Renaming files consecutively

Somewhere I’ve seen a script which renames files with an increasing number attached.
e.g. Filename 001
Filename 002
Filename 003 etc.
Could anyone please help me.

: Somewhere I’ve seen a script which renames files with an
: increasing number attached.

: e.g. Filename 001

: Filename 002

: Filename 003 etc.

: Could anyone please help me.

: Thanks.

add_leading_zeros routine taken from the AppleScript Guidebook Modules.
tell application "Finder"
	set theList to every file in folder (choose folder)
		set theList to sort theList by name -- optional
		set int3 to 0
		repeat with theFile in theList
			set int3 to int3 + 1
			set nName to name of theFile & " " & add_leading_zeros(int3, 2) of me -- 2 for 2 zeros
			set name of theFile to nName
		end repeat
	end try
end tell

on add_leading_zeros(this_number, max_leading_zeros)
	set the threshold_number to (10 ^ max_leading_zeros) as integer
	if this_number is less than the threshold_number then
		set the leading_zeros to ""
		set the digit_count to the length of ((this_number div 1) as string)
		set the character_count to (max_leading_zeros + 1) - digit_count
		repeat character_count times
			set the leading_zeros to (the leading_zeros & "0") as string
		end repeat
		return (leading_zeros & (this_number as text)) as string
		return this_number as text
	end if
end add_leading_zeros

: Somewhere I’ve seen a script which renames files with an
: increasing number attached.
: e.g. Filename 001
: Filename 002
: Filename 003 etc.
: Could anyone please help me.
: Thanks.

on open thoose_files
	set leading_zeros to 3
	repeat with x from 1 to count thoose_files
		set the_index to x as string
		repeat while ((count the_index) < leading_zeros)
			set the_index to "0" & the_index
		end repeat
		tell application "Finder"
			set name of item x of thoose_files to (name of item x of thoose_files) & space & the_index
		end tell
	end repeat
end open

Jean-Baptiste LE STANG