reordering check boxs column with main column?

Using Myriad Tables Lib 1.0.10, I am trying to move the assoicated check boxes to the left of a column
in unison when reordering, is this possible? if so, how would this be achieved?

use AppleScript version "2.4"
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "AppKit"
use script "Myriad Tables Lib" version "1.0.10"
use scripting additions

set SymChoice to AddSymbols()

on AddSymbols()
	set theHeads to {"", "FREE", "", "PERMITED", ""}
	set someData to {{false, "T1", false, "T2"}}
	set myTable to make new table with data someData with title "SELECT" column headings theHeads with prompt ¬
		"Select required" editable columns {1, 3} row template {true, "", true, ""} with multiple selections allowed, row numbering and empty selection allowed
	modify columns in table myTable columns list {} entry alignment align left
	modify columns in table myTable columns list {2, 4} sort method sort none
	modify table myTable grid style grid between columns column widths pattern {1, 2}
	modify table myTable with column reordering -- WHEN REORDERING MOVE ASSOCIATED CHECK BOX COLUMN
	modify table myTable grid style grid both dashed between rows OK button name "Cool"
	set theResult to display table myTable
	set chosenFiles to {}
	repeat with aValue in values returned of theResult
		if item 1 of aValue is true then set end of chosenFiles to item 2 of aValue
		if item 3 of aValue is true then set end of chosenFiles to item 4 of aValue
	end repeat
	return {chosenFiles}
end AddSymbols 

I’m afraid the short answer is no.

sort of thought that, as I couldn’t find a thing on the web, thought i’d ask though

cheers Shane