Repeat used in function taking over entire app

Hey guys, I’m writing a wake up app in AS Studio and I need a new functionality, but I can’t get it to work. I am using iTunes to play music and just controlling it with my app. What I want to do is, after a minute with no response from the user I want to turn the volume up, then in another minute, do the same thing, and in another minute, just start annoying beeping so hopefully it wakes me up and I don’t sleep through it again. The problem I ran into is this: when I use the Repeat it just stays there and won’t let the user hit any buttons or even quit the app. I have this new bit of code in another function if that makes any difference.

Any help would be appreciated
Here is my new function:

on MakeSureTheyWake()
	-- Turns up the volume to make sure the user wakes up
	-- Problem: if this code runs, the user cannot quit, ever
	set CounterVar1 to 1
	set CounterVar2 to 1
	repeat 3 times
		repeat 60 times
			delay 1
			set CounterVar2 to CounterVar2 + 1
			if CounterVar2 is equal to 60 then
				if iTunesVolume is less than 60 then
					set VolLoudness to iTunesVolume * 0.2
					set iTunesVolume to iTunesVolume + VolLoudness
					tell application "iTunes"
						set sound volume to iTunesVolume
					end tell
					exit repeat
				else if systemVolume is less than 60 then
					set VolLoudness to systemVolume * 0.2
					set systemVolume to systemVolume + VolLoudness
					tell application "Finder"
						set volume output volume systemVolume
					end tell
				end if
			end if
		end repeat
		set CounterVar1 to CounterVar1 + 1
		if CounterVar1 is equal to 3 then
			set VolLoudness to systemVolume * 0.2
			set systemVolume to systemVolume + VolLoudness
			tell application "Finder"
				set volume output volume systemVolume
			end tell
			repeat 20 times
				delay 1
			end repeat
		end if
	end repeat
end MakeSureTheyWake


the best way to accomplish this is to use the idle handler,
which is called periodically if nothing else happens

on idle
	-- do something
	return 1 -- recall interval in seconds
end idle

Thanks! I got it to work. This is exactly what I needed.