Repeating actions on multiple folders

I’m sure the answer is in these forums but I may not be using the right search terms. So far I have this script which works on a single folder. It prompts you to select a folder , creates a series of sub folders within that, then moves any of the files that were in the selected folder into one of the newly created sub folders.

tell application "Finder"
	--choose which folder to run this on
	set currentFolder to (choose folder)
	-- make new folders
	make new folder at currentFolder with properties {name:"01 FOC"}
	make new folder at currentFolder with properties {name:"02 Clinical Notes"}
	make new folder at currentFolder with properties {name:"03 Laboratory"}
	make new folder at currentFolder with properties {name:"03 Imaging"}
	make new folder at currentFolder with properties {name:"04 Imaging"}
	make new folder at currentFolder with properties {name:"05 Consultations"}
	make new folder at currentFolder with properties {name:"06 Legal-Insurance"}
	set oldChart to make new folder at currentFolder with properties {name:"07 Old Chart"}
	-- move files to Old Chart folder
	set folderContents to every file of the folder currentFolder
	repeat with currentFile in folderContents
		move currentFile to oldChart
	end repeat
end tell

Now I need to take this up one level. I want to select one folder and have the script produce the same effect on the 300 folders within it (go into each patient folder, create subfolders, and move any documents that were in the patient folder to the newly created ‘07 Old Chart’ folder.

Here is what I’ve tried so far:

--choose which folder to run this on
set mainFolder to (choose folder)
--create a list of all the folders within
tell application "Finder"
	set patientFolderList to every folder of mainFolder
end tell

--loop through every folder
repeat with currentFolder in patientFolderList
	-- make new folders
	tell application "Finder"
		make new folder at currentFolder with properties {name:"01 FOC"}
		make new folder at currentFolder with properties {name:"02 Clinical Notes"}
		make new folder at currentFolder with properties {name:"03 Laboratory"}
		make new folder at currentFolder with properties {name:"03 Imaging"}
		make new folder at currentFolder with properties {name:"04 Imaging"}
		make new folder at currentFolder with properties {name:"05 Consultations"}
		make new folder at currentFolder with properties {name:"06 Legal-Insurance"}
		set oldChart to make new folder at currentFolder with properties {name:"07 Old Chart"}
		-- move files to Old Chart folder
		set folderContents to every file of the folder currentFolder
		repeat with currentFile in folderContents
			move currentFile to oldChart
		end repeat
	end tell
end repeat

The script fails when I try to create the list of files in the currentFolder to move. If I remove that part of the script it does work. It goes through all the patient folders and creates sub folders in each. Any suggestions.


the problem is in this line

  set folderContents to every file of the folder currentFolder

currentFolder is a Finder file specifier, the keyword folder mixes up the reference

  set folderContents to every file of currentFolder

but you don’t need the repeat loop at all

	-- move files to Old Chart folder
	move every file of currentFolder to oldChart
end tell

I knew it would be very simple, yet it was evading me. Thanks for that.