Replace iTunes Play/Pause/Skip Keys

So I’m not handy with scripts at all, can’t write any to save my life, but I found one that works as a play/pause button for both iTunes or Pandora, which ever app is open. Right now I have that script keybound with Quicksilver. I was just curious if there was an actual way to keybind it the the Play/Pause key, F8, that’s already on my macbook. This way I don’t need to bind it to a key when I already have one designated for the job.

Just curious, figured you guys here at macscripter could help.

Another simple question somewhat unrelated. I have a few scripts that are used to display text in Geektools under certain situations. I was just curious if there was a way to get this text in All Caps. I’m using scripts to display my itunes/pandora song titles and artist names, and all caps would match the rest of my desktop better.

Model: Macbook
Browser: Chrome
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.6)