Reply Attribution in

Does anyone know if there is a script (freeware or otherwise) that mimics the reply attribution format from Entourage/Outlook?

From: Judith jones
Date: Sat, 01 Dec 2007 09:45:49 -0700
To: Benjamin McVeigh
Subject: Computer

Thanks a bunch!


Mimics it where?

At the top of a message when you reply. For instance, an email from Bob Jones on December 5th at 9am to Millie Anderson with Subject “Test” would begin

From: Bob Jones
Date: Thurs, 05 Dec 2007 09:00:00 -0700
To: Millie Anderson
Subject: Test

With the original email message contained below it.


Sorry I wasn’t clear in my question: what application would the mimic appear in? Is that you want Mail to behave this way?

Yes, I would like Mail to mimic Entourage in how it does the reply attribution.


There’s an application enumeration called “Header Detail” that offers as constants: all, custom, default, no headers. I’ve never used it (I don’t use Mail), but that’s where to go hunting. If it actually works, “custom” might be your answer.

I don’t think I’ve explained clearly. I would like the header information to be copied within the body of an email when I reply to someone so that it is easy to keep track of an email conversation, just as occurs easily in Entourage or Outlook.


I do not know of a way to do it entirely in Mail, but I use FastScripts Lite along with a modified version of John Gruber’s Non-Top-Posting Reply Script to modify the default reply format in Mail. You might be able to start with that and work up to the Outlook/Entourage-style format you want. The non-top-posting script only has to do a little bit of deletion and cursor positioning. What you want is a bit more complicated since you need to extract info from the “current message” and then insert it into the new reply message, but it is probably doable.