Resize Stickies

I can’t for the life of me work out how to resize stickies.

I have been using:

tell application “Stickies”
set bounds of front window to {0, 50, 400, 400} – {left, top, right, bottom}
on error e
display dialog e buttons {“OK”} default button 1 with icon 0
end try
end tell

This however doesn’t work… I don’t think stickies understands the term “bounds”.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Hi, is not scriptable.
On my machine the position can be set with System Events,
but although there is also a property size, changing it has no effect.

tell application "System Events"
	tell process "Stickies"
			tell window 1
				set position of to {0, 50}
				set size of to {400, 400} -- doesn't work
			end tell
		on error e
			display dialog e buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with icon 0
		end try
	end tell
end tell

end tell

thank-you so much for your quick reply!

I’ll just have to build a manual resize step into my process, but what you’ve suggested will definitely help.
Another question for you, can you use a script to apply formatting to the font?

Ultimately what I want to end up with is a sticky that covers the entire desktop, is transparent and floating and has some very large text in it…
I do a lot of imaging and want to have a sticky that keeps people away from the machine whilst it’s being worked on

Thanks again!

not scriptable means not scriptable.

System Events can manipulate UI elements like windows and buttons but cannot set fonts.

Alternatively you can create an AppleScript Studio application which displays a large floating HUD window