resource busy & <<data>>, with batch Acrobat file processing

Hi Folks-

I’ve written a script to open PDFs in Acrobat, move and resave them (this typically reduces file size). The script works on a few files, and occasionally on more than a few, but definitely chokes on large batches of 100 files or so. I’ve tried to control this with timeout, but no luck. Ideally, I’d like to run this as a cron script :slight_smile: but I can’t have it failing.

the code:

set nofile to 0
set InFolder to "/Volumes/Users/SHARED/_ PDF Final Files (low res)/Electronic Marketing/ResaveIn"
set InFolderMac to ("Users:SHARED:_ PDF Final Files (low res):Electronic Marketing:ResaveIn" as alias)
set ProcFolder to "/Volumes/Users/SHARED/_ PDF Final Files (low res)/Electronic Marketing/ResaveProc"
set ProcFolderMac to ("Users:SHARED:_ PDF Final Files (low res):Electronic Marketing:ResaveProc" as alias)
	do shell script "mv " & (quoted form of InFolder) & "/* " & (quoted form of ProcFolder)
	set nofile to 1
end try
if nofile = 1 then
	with timeout of 8947848 seconds
		set thefiles to (list folder ProcFolderMac)
		tell application "Finder"
			--set thefiles to (files of entire contents of ProcFolderMac whose name extension is "pdf")
		end tell
		tell application "Adobe Acrobat Professional"
			repeat with eachfile in thefiles
				if eachfile ends with "pdf" then
					set procFile to (ProcFolderMac as text) & eachfile
					open procFile with invisible
					--set docname to name of document 1
					set newfile to "Volumes:Users:SHARED:_ PDF Final Files (low res):Electronic Marketing:ResaveOut:" & eachfile
					save document 1 to file newfile with invisible
					close document 1 with invisible
					--end try
					do shell script "rm " & (quoted form of ProcFolder) & "/" & eachfile
				end if
			end repeat
		end tell
	end timeout
end if

… and the error:

tell current application
	do shell script "mv '/Volumes/Users/SHARED/_ PDF Final Files (low res)/Electronic Marketing/ResaveIn'/* '/Volumes/Users/SHARED/_ PDF Final Files (low res)/Electronic Marketing/ResaveProc'"
	list folder alias "Users:SHARED:_ PDF Final Files (low res):Electronic Marketing:ResaveProc:"
		{".DS_Store", "749457.PDF", "746118.PDF", "719977.PDF", "719974.PDF", "719971.PDF", "712165.PDF", "712162.PDF", "793827.PDF", "793049.PDF"}
end tell
tell application "Adobe Acrobat Professional"
	open "Users:SHARED:_ PDF Final Files (low res):Electronic Marketing:ResaveProc:749457.PDF" with invisible
	«data 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»
	«data 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»
	do shell script "rm '/Volumes/Users/SHARED/_ PDF Final Files (low res)/Electronic Marketing/ResaveProc'/749457.PDF"
		"Adobe Acrobat Professional got an error: rm: /Volumes/Users/SHARED/_ PDF Final Files (low res)/Electronic Marketing/ResaveProc/749457.PDF: Resource busy"

if anyone has insight into the source of failure, or a more elegant solution, I’d be very appreciative!



Ralph, sorry this is not an answer to your problem. However as your trying to reduce the size of PDF’s here is a possible GUI driven solution using Acrobat’s Optimizer. I was bored this morning and like playing with scripting the GUI. It works for me with some basic testing using saved presets. You or others may want to play with or expand on this:

tell application "Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional"
	tell active doc
		tell application "System Events"
			tell process "Acrobat"
				tell menu bar 1
					tell menu bar item "Advanced"
						tell menu 1
							-- Open PDF Optimizer window
							click menu item "PDF Optimizer..."
						end tell
					end tell
				end tell
				tell window "PDF Optimizer"
					tell group 1
						click pop up button 1
						-- This sticks at last used so use up arrow to top of list
						keystroke (ASCII character 30) using command down
						-- Use down arrow to navigate to list item
						keystroke (ASCII character 31)
						keystroke (ASCII character 31)
						keystroke (ASCII character 31)
						keystroke return
						delay 1 -- Let the GUI catch up
						-- Basic check for correct settings
						set a to get value of pop up button 1
						if a = "Marks Custom 1" then
							set Optimized to true
							click button "OK"
							set Optimized to false
							click button "Cancel"
							-- Write a report file
						end if
					end tell
				end tell
				delay 1 -- Let the GUI catch up
				if Optimized is true then
					tell window "Save Optimized As"
						click button "Save"
					end tell
					delay 1 -- Let the GUI catch up
					tell window 1
						click button "Replace"
					end tell
				end if
			end tell
		end tell
		delay 6 -- Let Acrobat Optimize PDF
			close saving no
		end try
		delay 1 -- Let the GUI catch up
		tell application "System Events"
			tell process "Acrobat"
				if exists window "Conversion Warnings" then
					tell window "Conversion Warnings"
						tell group 1
							click button "OK"
							-- Write a report file
						end tell
					end tell
				end if
			end tell
		end tell
	end tell
end tell

Thanks for your script Mark- However, I do need a batch process solution.


Hi Ralph,

according the dictionary neither save nor close has an invisible parameter

Thanks for the reply Stefan-

that indeed got rid of the error. Now I’m getting a “resource busy” error, even when I throw in a generous 5 second delay and put the “rm” into a subroutine, er handler.

global ProcFolder
global docname
set nofile to 0
set InFolder to "/Volumes/Users/SHARED/_ PDF Final Files (low res)/Electronic Marketing/ResaveIn"
set InFolderMac to ("Users:SHARED:_ PDF Final Files (low res):Electronic Marketing:ResaveIn" as alias)
set ProcFolder to "/Volumes/Users/SHARED/_ PDF Final Files (low res)/Electronic Marketing/ResaveProc"
set ProcFolderMac to ("Users:SHARED:_ PDF Final Files (low res):Electronic Marketing:ResaveProc" as alias)
	do shell script "mv " & (quoted form of InFolder) & "/* " & (quoted form of ProcFolder)
	set nofile to 1
end try
if nofile = 1 then
	with timeout of 8947848 seconds
		set thefiles to (list folder ProcFolderMac)
		tell application "Finder"
			--set thefiles to (files of entire contents of ProcFolderMac whose name extension is "pdf")
		end tell
		tell application "Adobe Acrobat Professional"
			repeat with eachfile in thefiles
				if eachfile ends with "pdf" then
					set procFile to (ProcFolderMac as text) & eachfile
					open procFile with invisible
					set docname to name of document 1
					set newfile to "Volumes:Users:SHARED:_ PDF Final Files (low res):Electronic Marketing:ResaveOut:" & docname
					save document 1 to file newfile
					close document 1
					delay 5
					my rm()
				end if
			end repeat
		end tell
	end timeout
end if

to rm()
	do shell script "rm " & (quoted form of ProcFolder) & "/" & docname
end rm

and the error:

tell current application
	do shell script "mv '/Volumes/Users/SHARED/_ PDF Final Files (low res)/Electronic Marketing/ResaveIn'/* '/Volumes/Users/SHARED/_ PDF Final Files (low res)/Electronic Marketing/ResaveProc'"
	list folder alias "Users:SHARED:_ PDF Final Files (low res):Electronic Marketing:ResaveProc:"
		{".DS_Store", "749457.PDF", "746118.PDF", "719977.PDF", "719974.PDF", "719971.PDF", "793827.PDF", "793830.PDF", "793049.PDF"}
end tell
tell application "Adobe Acrobat Professional"
	open "Users:SHARED:_ PDF Final Files (low res):Electronic Marketing:ResaveProc:749457.PDF" with invisible
	get name of document 1
	save document 1 to file "Volumes:Users:SHARED:_ PDF Final Files (low res):Electronic Marketing:ResaveOut:749457.PDF"
	close document 1
end tell
tell current application
	do shell script "rm '/Volumes/Users/SHARED/_ PDF Final Files (low res)/Electronic Marketing/ResaveProc'/749457.PDF"
		"rm: /Volumes/Users/SHARED/_ PDF Final Files (low res)/Electronic Marketing/ResaveProc/749457



I don’t know if this solves the problem but the proper quoting syntax is

do shell script "rm " & quoted form of (ProcFolder & "/" & docname)

You should try to make sure that the aktive document is really closed
something like

repeat while (count documents) > 0
	delay 0.5

Thanks Stefan-

the delay didn’t fix the issue, but restarting the computer did. I think I had triggered too many overlapping cron scripts that somehow caused a problem. (I kept the delay in the script since it surely can’t hurt).



On a philosophical note, what’s the best way to structure one of these batch script- move one at a time, process, delete, or move them all, then process one at a time, delete one at a time, etc etc?

I was already informed that a Best Practice is to move incoming files into a processing folder, which I’ve implemented.


Dunno if it’s a typo or not, but I noticed in this line:

do shell script “rm ‘/Volumes/Users/SHARED/_ PDF Final Files (low res)/Electronic Marketing/ResaveProc’/749457.PDF”

the single quote is in the middle of the full path to the file. Shouldn’t it be:

do shell script “rm ‘/Volumes/Users/SHARED/_ PDF Final Files (low res)/Electronic Marketing/ResaveProc/749457.PDF’”


It is a valid use of quotes.

All these expressions have the same value as far as the shell is concerned:
“foo bar 'baz”
'foo bar ‘'‘baz’'
foo\ bar\ 'baz
foo’ ‘bar" "'baz
f’oo’" bar 'baz"
foo" "bar\ "'b"az

But you are right in thinking something is a bit off about it.

It came from this code:

do shell script "rm " & (quoted form of ProcFolder) & "/" & docname

which would be better as

do shell script "rm " & quoted form of (ProcFolder & "/" & docname)

That way the whole file path would be quoted, not just its directory.