I have been working on a script for users to set up a folder in a particular place on our server and add all subfolders automatically.
The user is asked to choose a client, then asked a job number, then a job title (and various checks are made along the way to see whether folders already exist, whether names are duplicated etc.) and then a job folder with all subfolders is created in the correct client folder.
When it gets to the end I want a dialog box to ask the user if they want to add another job folder or quit. Straight forward enough but is there a command for just making the script run again from the start, resetting all variables? I can put my entire script within a “repeat until user_quits_at_end is true” / “end repeat” loop and keep the variable as false until such time as the user is finished. Trouble is I have a whole host of variables that I would have to reset (i use true/false flags a lot) which could be quite unwieldy and difficult to manage. Happy to do it this way if that’s what it takes but just wondered if there was a more succinct way of doing it.
Thanks as always