Restrict text field to numerical characters only


How would I use AppleScript to check if a text field only contains numbers, and if it contents anything other than numbers an error is displayed?



you can just coerce the string to an integer.
It throws an error, if it’s no number

on checkInteger(x)
		x as integer
		return true
	on error
		return false
	end try
end checkInteger

In one of my projects I use these handlers to check for number while the user is typing
The appropriate text field is connected to the on changed handler

property ciphers : "0123456789"
property maxLength : 3

on changed theObject
	set textValue to content of theObject
	set textValue to check_integer(textValue)
	if textValue contains "´" or textValue contains "`" or textValue contains "^" or textValue contains "~" then set textValue to ""
	set content of theObject to textValue
end changed

on check_integer(v)
	tell v
			if last character is not in ciphers then
				if length is 1 then return ""
				return text 1 thru -2
				if length > maxLength then return ((text -maxLength thru -1 as integer) as text)
				return (it as integer) as text
			end if
		on error
			return ""
		end try
	end tell
end check_integer