returning a value from a handler

I’m using a handler from Bratis website to remove some text from a string; It works fine (I can see the result in the applescript editor) however I’m unable to get the result into a new variable to keep working on the string.
I made the variable theText global hoping the value will be changed after being processed by the handler but if I run the script with “return newText” uncommented I don’t get the result of the handler but the previous one.
How can I update the variable newText?
Thanks for your help

--this removes the string "Answer : " from the text
on RemoveFromString(theText, CharOrString)
	-- ljr (
	local ASTID, theText, CharOrString, lst
	set ASTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
		considering case
			if theText does not contain CharOrString then ¬
				return theText
			set AppleScript's text item delimiters to CharOrString
			set lst to theText's text items
		end considering
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASTID
		return lst as text
	on error eMsg number eNum
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASTID
		error "Can't RemoveFromString: " & eMsg number eNum
	end try
	set newText to theText's text items
end RemoveFromString

RemoveFromString(newText, "Answer : ")
--return newText


two options:

set newText to RemoveFromString(newText, "Answer : ")


RemoveFromString(newText, "Answer : ")
set newText to result

Thank you Stefan
I got a new issue and it’s probably not worth to open a new post:
I’m trying to convert this script which works fine with just one parameter (dontdeletePhrase to “match1”) to work with a list but is returning an empty string. What do I need to do to make it work?
I’m trying to keep these basic questions to a minimum but sometimes I get stuck and no search can help me and the deadline is getting closer :slight_smile:
Thanks again

set fileText to read (choose file with prompt "Choose a text file:" of type {"eml"})

set dontdeletePhrase to {"match1","match2","match3"}
deleteLinesFromText(fileText, dontdeletePhrase)

on deleteLinesFromText(theText, dontdeletePhrase)
	set newText to ""
		set textList to paragraphs of theText
		repeat with i from 1 to count of textList
			set thisLine to item i of textList
			if thisLine contains dontdeletePhrase then
				set newText to newText & thisLine & return
			end if
		end repeat
		if newText is not "" then set newText to text 1 thru -2 of newText
	on error
		set newText to theText
	end try
	return newText
end deleteLinesFromText

You need a repeat loop to check all items of the list, I recommend to create an extra handler which returns a boolean value.

dontdeletePhrase is declared as a property that avoids passing the list as a parameter.

property dontdeletePhrase : {"match1", "match2", "match3"}

set fileText to read (choose file with prompt "Choose a text file:" of type {"eml"})

on deleteLinesFromText(theText)
	set newText to ""
		set textList to paragraphs of theText
		repeat with i from 1 to count of textList
			set thisLine to item i of textList
			if checkContainingText(thisLine) then
				set newText to newText & thisLine & return
			end if
		end repeat
		if newText is not "" then set newText to text 1 thru -2 of newText
	on error
		set newText to theText
	end try
	return newText
end deleteLinesFromText

on checkContainingText(theLine)
	repeat with aPhrase in dontdeletePhrase
		if theLine contains aPhrase then return true
	end repeat
	return false
end checkContainingText

Just out of curiosity, what’s wrong with passing the list as parameter? I think it’s cleaner especially when the handler is used with different files and different conditions.

deleteLinesFromText(fileText1, {"match 1", "match 2", "match 3"})
deleteLinesFromText(fileText2, {"match 4", "match 5", "match 6"})
deleteLinesFromText(fileText3, {"match 7", "match 8", "match 9"})

otherwise you need:

set dontDeletePhrase to {"match 1", "match 2", "match 3"}
set dontDeletePhrase to {"match 4", "match 5", "match 6"}
set dontDeletePhrase to {"match 7", "match 8", "match 9"}