Run an external script from another script?

I am looking at making a small script that will run a script from another location. Basically, I want to make a script that achieves the same thing as an alias to a script, but not an alias. Could someone please help?

You can:

run script file "path:to:script.scpt"

I tried to run it that way and it kind of worked, but then got an error saying the appleevent timed out. how can I get past this?
(Thanks for the last solution)

Did your external script run? I believe that the script that is running the external script is waiting on a return from the script that it is running, since nothing is returned within the default time it is returning a time out errror. Adding a with time out that would allow enough time for the external script to run might solve the problem.

It does run most of the script. What the script does is: From Multiad Creator, exports a pdf, views it, asks the user if its ok, then moves it according to what the user returned. When I run it from the “run script” script, it exports and views ok, but errors with the timeout on the moving section. this is the script for running the other script (which works fine when run manually).

tell application "Finder"
	set theScript to alias "PrePress2:JakeAppleScripts:Application Scripts for update:MultiAd Scripts:PDF Proof.scpt"
	run script theScript
end tell

I tried this

with timeout of 120 seconds
	tell application "Finder"
		set theScript to alias "PrePress2:JakeAppleScripts:Application Scripts for update:MultiAd Scripts:PDF Proof.scpt"
		run script theScript
	end tell
end timeout

but no luck.

Try removing the “tell” Finder block. “run script” is part of Standard Additions, so you don’t need the Finder at all :wink:

thanks very much. All is working nicely.

set theScript to alias "PrePress2:JakeAppleScripts:Application Scripts for update:MultiAd Scripts:PDF Proof.scpt"
run script theScript

this works fine.