Run applescript from within Photoshop action?

I’m trying to make a Photoshop CS action run an applescript. I know that photoshop actions can run a javascript file. But I would like the action to run an applescript file. Any idea if this is possible?

I’m fairly certain it’s not possible - at least without some crazy plugin for photoshop or something. That said - all you have to do is have an Applescript act as the parent… ie: the Applescript initiates the photoshop action, waits for it do finish - then does whatever you need it to do. You would use the “do action” command from the Photoshop Applescript library to do this.

do action‚v : play an action from the Actions Palette
do action Unicode text : the name of the action to play (note that the case of letters in the Action name is important and must match the case of the name in the Actions palette)
from Unicode text : the name of the action set containing the action being played (note that the case of letters in the Action Set name is important and must match the case of the name in the Actions palette)