Run handler not executing

I’m new to applescript, and I’m writing a script that parses the output of a Minecraft Server, and filters out everything besides the chat. I had this all working in an infinite repeat loop, but that meant the application had to be force quitted to stop it. I looked into handlers and read lots of documentation and re-organized my script. However, now none of the code in the run handler seems to be getting execute so my variables are uninitiated. This is exported as a stay open application. I can’t figure out why this isn’t running the code in the run handler when I open the application. On opening the application I get this error “The variable thePath is not defined.”

on run
	set thePath to (path to desktop as Unicode text) & "MinecraftServer:logs:"
		set fRef to open for access file (thePath & "latest.log")
		set fRef2 to open for access file (thePath & "serverChat.log") with write permission
	on error
		set i to 0
		repeat 3000 times --Tries to close all accesses if one was already open
				close access i
			end try
			set i to i + 1
		end repeat
		set fRef to open for access file (thePath & "latest.log")
		set fRef2 to open for access file (thePath & "serverChat.log") with write permission
	end try
end run

on idle
	--This is supposed to read latest.log and write all of the lines containing chat to serverChat.log every second
	set serverOutput to read file (thePath & "latest.log") from 1 to eof
	set serverChat to logfilter(serverOutput, "[Server thread/INFO]: <")
	write serverChat to file (thePath & "serverChat.log") starting at 1
	return 1
end idle

on quit
		close access fRef
		close access fRef2
	end try
end quit

on logfilter(theLog, searchPhrase)
	set n to count paragraphs of theLog
	set theOutput to ""
	set i to 1
	repeat n times
		if paragraph i of theLog contains searchPhrase then
			set theOutput to (theOutput & paragraph i of theLog & " @**" & i & "**@" as string) & return
		end if
		set i to i + 1
	end repeat
	return theOutput
end logfilter


the problem is in the on idle handler.

thePath is a local variable in the on run handler and not visible in on idle

Solution is to declare a property at the beginning of the script outside the on run handler

property thePath : ""

PS: Instead of that weird 3000 times repeat write better code to reliably balance the open and close pairs.

I’ve adjusted my script now. I’ve tried both properties and global variables for thePath. It still gives the same error about thePath not being defined. This is the beginning of the script now:

property thePath : (path to desktop as Unicode text) & "MinecraftServer:logs:"
property fRef : open for access file (thePath & "latest.log")
property fRef2 : open for access file (thePath & "serverChat.log") with write permission

on run
end run

on idle
	set serverOutput to read file (thePath & "latest.log") from 1 to eof
	set serverChat to logfilter(serverOutput, "[Server thread/INFO]: <")
	write serverChat to file (thePath & "serverChat.log") starting at 1
	return 1
end idle

on quit
		close access fRef
		close access fRef2
	end try
end quit

No, I suggested to declare the property thePath as an empty string and set it in the run handler.

Never use relative paths (path to … ) in properties.
And also never use open or close statements in properties.

Properties are evaluated at compile time. In case of the path the script loses its portability because the path is quasi hard-coded. In case of the open statements the file is opened immediately which is certainly not intended.

Try this

property logFolder : ""

on run
	set logFolder to (path to desktop as text) & "MinecraftServer:logs:"
end run

on idle
	--This is supposed to read latest.log and write all of the lines containing chat to serverChat.log every second
	set serverOutput to read file (logFolder & "latest.log") from 1 to eof
	set serverChatLog to logFolder & "serverChat.log"
	set serverChat to logfilter(serverOutput, "[Server thread/INFO]: <")
		set fRef to open for access file serverChatLog with write permission
		write serverChat to fRef starting at 1
		close access fRef
	on error
			close access file serverChatLog
		end try
	end try
	return 1
end idle

on logfilter(theLog, searchPhrase)
	set n to count paragraphs of theLog
	set theOutput to ""
	set i to 1
	repeat n times
		if paragraph i of theLog contains searchPhrase then
			set theOutput to (theOutput & paragraph i of theLog & " @**" & i & "**@" as string) & return
		end if
		set i to i + 1
	end repeat
	return theOutput
end logfilter

Thank you so much! It works perfectly now, and I’m really starting to understand AppleScript a lot better. The only thing is I made more of the variables properties and moved some of the code to initialize them into the run handle. That way it’s doing the least possible amount of work on the idle handler.

Eh… I’m new to this forum. I don’t know how to mark the topic solved or anything…

There is no option to mark a topic as solved like on Stackoverflow