Run only Applescript from a text file

I think I know the answer here but there are a lot of clever people out there…

Can I create an Applescript from a text file and save as a app?

Hi weedinner,

Here’s an example:

set f to choose file
set pp to POSIX path of f
set app_name to "~/Desktop/"
do shell script "osacompile -o " & app_name & space & pp

The chosen file is the text file with the script text.

Edited: see ‘man osacompile’ in Terminal for more options. For instance you can use the -x flag for execute only. Not sure if that’s what you wanted.


Model: MBP
AppleScript: AS 2.2.4
Browser: Safari 536.28.10
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.8)

Thanks you kelp. Perfect

Hi weedinner,

Glad it worked, but I forgot something. I should have used ‘quoted form’ in case the file paths have spaces in names:

set f to choose file
set pp to quoted form of (POSIX path of f)
set app_name to "~/Desktop/"
do shell script "osacompile -o " & app_name & space & pp

Hope you come back. I was on the road when I remembered.


Thanks kel1