tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
tell document 1
set theScript to alias ("xxx.scpt")
tell me to run script theScript entire path {1}
end tell
end tell
Can someone please tell me how to get the parameters passed? Obvious, I’m sure, but I’ve been away from AppleScript for quite a while - I should know this.
You are in the InDesign tell block, so it appears that InDesign is trying to interpret the “with parameters” line according to its dictionary. I would just get it out of that block. The easiest way would be to move it to a subroutine.
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
tell document 1
my runTheXTernalScript(1)
end tell
end tell
on runTheXTernalScript(theNumber)
set theScript to alias ("xxx.scpt")
tell me to run script theScript with parameters {theNumber}
end runTheXTernalScript
Thanks Matt-Boy - the subroutine should work - I’ll do that. Just curious why the “tell me” didn’t cause the run script to be compiled in the AppleScript context instead of InDesign’s.