Safari 3 Beta corrupts nib files containing web views!


This is knowledge hard-won, let me tell you. For the past 2 months I have been struggling with an AS app that used a web view. After installing the Safari 3 beta my app broke on some beta testers systems. Further research indicated that those systems did NOT have the beta installed. So I uninstalled it and sure enough, I was able to reproduce the error!

(wait it gets weirder…)

So I recompiled the program after I uninstalled Safari and it still gave the error. OK, so then I try to open the document nib file, and IB tells me it can’t that it’s in some weird format. Apparently having the Safari beta installed caused the document nibs of any webkit project to become corrupt for anyone not running the beta! I had to go back to get an old version of the program (boy am I glad I’ve been using Subversion to keep backup versions since the last time i needed an old version).

Thought this was important for y’all to know.

Model: G4 tower named “Morpheus” (466mhz, 512mb)
AppleScript: 1.10
Browser: Safari 2.0.4 (419.3)
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)

Addendum: Apparently this only affects nibs that were created with the first version of the Beta. An item created after the Safari beta update doesn’t seem to be affected.