Safari Load Subroutines

I use these subroutines as part of larger scripts that load images, zipped files and zipped folders from various web sites. These subroutines employ a logging script that is loaded separately and included here separately.

Here is a example of the code I include in the main program to access these two subroutine files:

property safari_subroutines : null
property log_it : null

set shared_folder_path to path to shared documents as string
set safari_subroutines to load script file (shared_folder_path & "AppleScript - General Purpose:Safari Utilities:Common Subroutines.scpt")
set log_it to load script file (shared_folder_path & "AppleScript - General Purpose:Tracking Utilities:Log It.scpt")
set log_it of safari_subroutines to log_it
set log_file_path of log_it to "BasementHD:Users:programming:Documents:Load Logs:my log.txt"
tell log_it to add_to_log(return & return & return & "Start Load " & (current date))

Here is the Common Subroutines file

property log_it : "null"

on save_image_using_image_URL(file_name, save_folder, image_URL)
	-- file_name must have an extension for this to work
	if my open_image(image_URL) then
		set saved_image to my save_image_with_comments_from_current_window(file_name, save_folder, "")
		tell log_it to add_to_log(">>>>  Image not found for: " & image_URL)
		set saved_image to false
	end if
	my close_safari_window()
	return saved_image
end save_image_using_image_URL

on save_image_with_comments_from_current_window(file_name, save_folder, file_comments)
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
	set temp_list to text items of file_name
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "/"
	set file_name to temp_list as string
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
	tell application "System Events" to set exists_flag to exists file (file_name) in folder save_folder
	if exists_flag then
		tell log_it to add_to_log("    >>>>  Duplicate not saved: " & save_folder & file_name)
		set saved_image to false
		with timeout of 5 * minutes seconds
			tell application "Safari" to save document 1 in save_folder & file_name
		end timeout
		set saved_image to true
		if (length of file_comments) > 750 then set file_comments to text 1 thru 750 of file_comments
		tell application "Finder" to set comment of file (save_folder & file_name) to file_comments
	end if
	return saved_image
end save_image_with_comments_from_current_window

on save_zip_folder_if_new(folder_name, target_folder, type_name, zip_URL, folder_name_list, download_folder)
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
	set temp_list to text items of folder_name
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "/"
	set folder_name to temp_list as string
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
	tell application "Finder"
		set folder_exists to exists folder folder_name in folder target_folder
		if folder_exists then
			tell log_it to add_to_log("Exists " & type_name & ": " & zip_URL)
			log "Exists " & type_name & ": " & zip_URL
			tell log_it to add_to_log("New " & type_name & ": " & zip_URL)
			log "New " & type_name & ": " & zip_URL
			tell application "Safari" to open location zip_URL
			set delay_count to 0
			set folder_loaded to false
			set log_missing_file to true
			repeat while not folder_loaded
				repeat with loaded_name in folder_name_list
					if (exists folder loaded_name in folder download_folder) then
						set folder_loaded to true
						exit repeat
					end if
				end repeat
				if delay_count > 300 then
					if log_missing_file then
						log (item 1 of folder_name_list)
						set log_missing_file to false
					end if
					display alert "Long Wait" message "Looking in " & download_folder & " for " & (item 1 of folder_name_list) as warning buttons {"OK"} giving up after 30
					delay 30
					set delay_count to delay_count + 60
					if delay_count > 120 then beep
					delay 5
					set delay_count to delay_count + 5
				end if
			end repeat
			my close_safari_window()
			my eliminate_sub_folders(download_folder & loaded_name)
			set this_folder to folder (download_folder & loaded_name)
			set comment of this_folder to zip_URL
			set name of this_folder to folder_name
			if download_folder ≠ target_folder then
				move folder (download_folder & folder_name) to folder target_folder
			end if
		end if
	end tell
	return not folder_exists
end save_zip_folder_if_new

on save_zip_file_if_new(file_name, target_folder, zip_URL, file_name_list, download_folder)
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
	set temp_list to text items of file_name
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "/"
	set file_name to temp_list as string
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
	tell application "Finder"
		set file_exists to exists file file_name in folder target_folder
		if file_exists then
			tell log_it to add_to_log("Exists: " & zip_URL)
			tell log_it to add_to_log("New: " & zip_URL)
			log "New: " & zip_URL
			tell application "Safari" to open location zip_URL
			set delay_count to 0
			set file_loaded to false
			set log_missing_file to true
			repeat while not file_loaded
				repeat with loaded_name in file_name_list
					if (exists file loaded_name in folder download_folder) then
						set file_loaded to true
						exit repeat
					end if
				end repeat
				if delay_count > 600 then
					if log_missing_file then
						log (item 1 of file_name_list)
						set log_missing_file to false
					end if
					display alert "Long Wait" message "Looking in " & download_folder & " for " & (item 1 of file_name_list) as warning buttons {"OK"} giving up after 30
					delay 30
					set delay_count to delay_count + 60
					if delay_count > 180 then beep
					delay 30
					set delay_count to delay_count + 30
				end if
			end repeat
			my close_safari_window()
			set this_file to file (download_folder & loaded_name)
			set comment of this_file to zip_URL
			set name of this_file to file_name
			if download_folder ≠ target_folder then
				move file (download_folder & file_name) to folder target_folder
			end if
		end if
	end tell
	return not file_exists
end save_zip_file_if_new

on open_URL(URL_to_open)
	tell application "Safari"
		open location URL_to_open
		set time_out to my wait_for_open_to_finish()
		if time_out then
			tell log_it to add_to_log(">>>>  Load timeout for: " & URL_to_open)
			close document 1
			delay 60
			open location URL_to_open
			set time_out to my wait_for_open_to_finish()
		end if
		if time_out then
			set valid_url to false
			tell log_it to add_to_log(">>>>      second time out")
			set valid_url to true
		end if
	end tell
	return valid_url
end open_URL

on wait_for_open_to_finish()
	set delay_count to 0
	tell application "Safari"
		set load_state to (do JavaScript "document.readyState" in document 1)
				set current_URL to (URL of document 1) & ""
				exit repeat
			on error number -2763
				delay 2
			end try
		end repeat
		set load_state to (do JavaScript "document.readyState" in document 1)
		repeat while (((load_state ≠ "complete") and (load_state ≠ "loaded")) or (current_URL = "")) and (delay_count < 90)
			delay 1
			set delay_count to delay_count + 1
			set current_URL to (URL of document 1) & ""
			set load_state to (do JavaScript "document.readyState" in document 1)
		end repeat
	end tell
	return (delay_count ≥ 90)
end wait_for_open_to_finish

on eliminate_sub_folders(new_folder)
	tell application "Finder"
		set internal_folder_count to (count of (every folder of folder new_folder))
		with timeout of 10 * minutes seconds
			if internal_folder_count > 0 then
				if internal_folder_count = 1 then
					move (every file of entire contents of folder new_folder) to folder new_folder
					delete (folder 1 of folder new_folder)
					tell log_it to add_to_log(">>>>  Zip contains multiple nested folders : " & zip_URL)
				end if
			end if
		end timeout
	end tell
end eliminate_sub_folders

on close_safari_window()
	tell application "Safari" to close document 1
end close_safari_window

Finally, here is the Log It file

property log_file_path : (path to desktop as string) & "Default Log"
on add_to_log(the_message)
	set file_id to open for access file log_file_path with write permission
	write the_message & return to file_id starting at eof
	close access file_id
end add_to_log