save acrobat file


I would like to save an opened document in Acrobat with a droplet script.
The following script is working but the file is not save anywhere…

on open FileList
	tell application "Acrobat 5.0"
		repeat with i in FileList
			open i
			set newFile to choose file name with prompt "Provide a new NAME and select a LOCATION for " & i & " :"
			save i to newFile
			close document
		end repeat
		display dialog "File(s) converted successfully." buttons "Ok" default button 1
	end tell
end open

What’s the problem here…I need help

Hi Vincent,

You say that the “script is working but the file is not save anywhere”. Obviously the script is not working. What happens when you run the script?

hehe :wink: well…I said the script is working because it didn’t give me any errors…The script is executed normally but the file is not created. I did a little debug on my code and it is apparently the save command that is not working for a unknown reason…


I don’t have Acrobat so I’ll guess until an Acrobat expert comes along. :wink:

tell application "Acrobat 5.0" 
      repeat with i in FileList 
         set newWindow to open i 
         set newFile to choose file name with prompt "Provide a new NAME and select a LOCATION for " & i & " :" 
         save newWindow to newFile 
         close newWindow 
      end repeat 
      display dialog "File(s) converted successfully." buttons "Ok" default button 1 
   end tell 
end open 

Your script give me an error

NewWindow not define


Have a nice day…