Save as.. in Appleworks with different font

I have automated the process of finding a folder which contains 15-20 Appleworks files and opening the files in Appleworks. In order to use them in Mavericks I need to convert them to something which Pages or Word will open. If I do it manually I select “save as…” and in the save dialogue change the format to Word MAC 98, 2001 document and the folder is "converted files. I don’t understand the syntax of the dictionary item “save”. When I write the script:

  tell application "Appleworks 6" 
              save as type "word Mac 98, 2001 document"
  end tell

and run it the error is that it expected class and found something else. This is really simple but I don’t have a clue.



Here is an old script which I wrote to batch convert AppleWorks documents.
I no longer have a system allowing me to run it.
Maybe it may help you.

--[SCRIPT AW batch BOBO2Office8]
Exécuter ce script ou déposer l'icône d'un dossier 
sur son icône (version application)
ouvre les documents AppleWorks du dossier 
et les enregistreSous en fichier Office  
dans leur dossier d'origine.

Run the script or drag and drop a folder icon 
on its icon (application version)
open AppleWorks documents stored 
in the folder and save them as Office file
in their original folder.

2004/06/14 modifié selon suggestions de Hiroto TAOKA
2004/06/15 traité bug AW6, (merci Hiroto)
2008/08/08 (problème Mac OS X 10.5. Merci Hiroto)
2009/08/28 removed the property EnglishMsg
2009/08/28 store in original folder
2011/04/23 added the handler text2alias to take care of a 10.6 feature
2011/04/28 replaced the error message linked to non recognized AW doc by a report entry
2011/12/05 no longer use file type and file creator which may be ""

property drelin_drelin : true (* false pour éviter le signal sonore *)

property extensionWP : ".doc" -- globale
property extensionSS : ".xls" -- globale
property extensionDB : ".doc" -- globale
property extensionGR : "" -- globale
property rapport : "" -- globale
property msg0 : "" -- globale
property msg1 : "" -- globale
property msg5 : "" -- globale
property msg7 : "" -- globale
property msg8 : "" -- globale
property msg91 : "" -- globale
property msg92 : "" -- globale
property msg93 : "" -- globale
property msg94 : "" -- globale
property msg95 : "" -- globale
property msg96 : "" -- globale
property msg97 : "" -- globale
property msg98 : "" -- globale
property msg99 : "" -- globale
property NoTranslation : "" -- globale
property traducteurWP : "" -- globale
property traducteurSS : "" -- globale
property traducteurDB : "" -- globale
property traducteurGR : "" -- globale

property nbDocsOuverts : 0 -- globale
property Bttns1 : {"", "", ""} -- globale
property listeGraphiques : {}


(* deux lignes exécutées si on double clique 
sur l'icône du script application
¢ two lines executed if one double click 
the application script's icon *)
if (do shell script "defaults read 'Apple Global Domain' AppleLocale") starts with "fr_" then
	set msg00 to "Choisir un dossier ."
	set msg00 to "Choose a folder ."
end if
tell application "Finder"
	choose folder with prompt msg00
	set listeFichiers to every item in result
end tell

if (count of listeFichiers) = 0 then return
open listeFichiers


on open (sel) (* sel contient une liste d'alias des éléments
qu'on a déposés sur l'icône du script (la sélection)
¢ sel contains a list of aliases of the items   
dropped on the script's icon (the selection) *)
		if msg0 is "" then my prepareMessages()
		set {rapport, listeGraphiques} to {"", {}}
		tell application "AppleWorks 6"
			if "6." is not in (version as text) then error msg0 number 8000
			set nbDocsOuverts to (count each document)
		end tell -- to AppleWorks
		set traducteurs to my construitListeTraducteurs()
			tell application (path to frontmost application as string) to set dd to (display dialog ("WP - " & traducteurWP & return & ¬
				"SS - " & traducteurSS & return & ¬
				"DB - " & traducteurDB & return & ¬
				"GR - " & traducteurGR) buttons Bttns1 with icon 1)
			if dd's button returned is Bttns1's item 1 then error number -128
			(* On a cliqué Annuler/Cancel 
				utile si on exécute en messages français sur un système anglais.
¢ Click was on Annuler/Cancel
useful if French messages messages are used on an english OS *)
			if dd's button returned is Bttns1's item 3 then exit repeat (* Modifier/Reset *)
			(* ici si bouton 2 (Modifier)
¢ Here if button 2 (Reset) *)
			set {tradWP, tradSS, tradDB, tradGR} to {{NoTranslation}, {NoTranslation}, {NoTranslation}, {NoTranslation}}
			repeat with tr in traducteurs
				if tr contains "WORD" then
					set end of tradWP to tr
				else if tr contains "EXCEL" then
					set end of tradSS to tr
				else if tr contains "ASCII" then
					set end of tradDB to tr
				else if ((tr contains "JPEG") and not (tr contains "2000")) or (tr contains "TIFF") then
					set end of tradGR to tr
				end if
			end repeat -- with tr
			set traducteurWP to my quelTraducteur(tradWP, msg95, traducteurWP)
			set traducteurSS to my quelTraducteur(tradSS, msg96, traducteurSS)
			set traducteurDB to my quelTraducteur(tradDB, msg97, traducteurDB)
			set traducteurGR to my quelTraducteur(tradGR, msg98, traducteurGR)
		end repeat
		if traducteurGR contains "TIFF" then
			set extensionGR to ".tif"
		else if (traducteurGR contains "JPEG") then
			set extensionGR to ".jpg"
		end if
		repeat with elem in sel
			set elemA to elem as alias -- NOUVEAU
			my exploreTraite(elemA, (info for elemA), "")
		end repeat
		tell application "AppleWorks 6"
			if listeGraphiques is not {} then
				set traducteurs to my construitListeTraducteurs()
				(* indispensable *)
				if drelin_drelin is true then beep 3
				(* signale qu'il faut intervenir pour fichiers graphiques
¢ claims that the user must click for graphic documents *)
				repeat with descripteur in listeGraphiques
					set {leFichier, leTraducteur, nouveauChemin} to descripteur
CAUTION ! Under 10.6, we can't coerce a string to an alias in a tell application block
So I moved the coercion in a handler.
					open my text2alias(leFichier) (* pas besoin de "try", celà a déjà fonctionné
¢ no need to "try", already worked at first attempt *)
					my enregistreSous(leFichier, leTraducteur, nouveauChemin) (* 2 *)
					close document 1 without saving
				end repeat
			end if -- listeGraphiques.
			if rapport > "" then make new document with data (msg8 & return & return & rapport)
		end tell -- to AppleWorks
	on error MsgErr number NroErr
		if NroErr is not -128 then
			beep 2
			display dialog "" & NroErr & " : " & MsgErr with icon 0 buttons {msg99} giving up after 20
		end if -- NroErr is.
	end try
end open

--===== Routines 

on creeNomUnique(dossier_, nom_, extension_)
	set {suffixe, i} to {extension_, 1}
	set {laFin, chemin_} to {suffixe, ""}
			set chemin_ to "" & dossier_ & nom_ & laFin
			chemin_ as alias (* un fichier de même nom existe-t-il ?
si oui (pas d'erreur) incrémenter l'index *)
			set i to i + 1
			set laFin to space & "#" & i & suffixe
		on error (* s'il n'existe pas (erreur) c'est bon. *)
			exit repeat
		end try
	end repeat
	return nom_ & laFin
end creeNomUnique


on quelTraducteur(listeTrad, msg_, traducteur_)
	set monChoix to choose from list listeTrad with prompt msg_ default items traducteur_ as list
	if monChoix is false then error msg5 number 8005
	return (monChoix as text)
end quelTraducteur


on enregistreSous(fichier_, traducteur_, chemin_)
	if my quelOS() is not less than "1050" then set traducteur_ to my textAsStringData(traducteur_)
	tell application "AppleWorks 6"
			save document 1 in file chemin_ using translator traducteur_
			(* enregistre dans le dossier sur le bureau,
¢ save in the folder on the desktop *)
		on error errMsg number errNum
			set rapport to rapport & errMsg & " -- " & errNum & return & msg94 & fichier_ & return
		end try
	end tell -- to AppleWorks
	repeat 10 times
			tell application "Finder" to update file chemin_
			set existe to true
		on error errMsg number errNum
			set existe to false
		end try
		if existe is true then exit repeat
		-- delay 5
	end repeat
		chemin_ as alias
	on error -- chemin_ is not present
		set rapport to rapport & errMsg & " -- " & errNum & return & msg94 & fichier_ & return
	end try
	--tell application "Finder" to get properties of file chemin_
end enregistreSous


on exploreTraite(elem, les_infos, ptree)
	set elem_ to elem as text
	if (folder of les_infos) then
			set pf to (package folder of les_infos) as boolean
		on error
			set pf to (package of les_infos) as boolean
		end try
		if pf is true then (* amandine *)
			set rapport to rapport & msg93 & elem_ & return
			(* Attention, un package EST un dossier "spécial".
¢ Caution, a package IS a "special" folder. *)
			my ExploreUnDossier(elem_, ptree)
		end if -- (package.
No longer use file creator which maybe "" *)
		read elem from 5 for 4
		if result is "BOBO" then
			--if file creator of les_infos is "BOBO" then
			my TraiteUnFichier(elem_, les_infos, ptree)
			set rapport to rapport & msg93 & elem_ & return
			(* Rejette fichier non Claris/AppleWorks.
¢ Skip non Claris/AppleWorks files. *)
		end if -- file type.
	end if
end exploreTraite


on ExploreUnDossier(dossier, ptree)
	repeat with nomElement in list folder dossier without invisibles
		set cheminElement to dossier & nomElement
		tell application "Finder" to set C to name of (dossier as alias)
		my exploreTraite(cheminElement as alias, (info for file cheminElement), ptree & C & ":")
	end repeat
end ExploreUnDossier


on TraiteUnFichier(leFichier, les_infos, ptree)
	tell application "Finder"
		set leVraiNom to (name of alias leFichier)
		set leDossier to (container of alias leFichier) as text
	end tell
	if leVraiNom ends with ".cwk" then set leVraiNom to (text 1 thru -5 of leVraiNom) as text
	(* élimine l'extension .cwk, laisse l'extension ".cws" des modèles
 ¢ strip .cwk extension, keep extension ".cws" of template files *)
No longer use file type which may be "" *)
		set nil to (character id 0) & (character id 0) & (character id 0) & (character id 0)
	on error
		set nil to (ASCII character 0) & (ASCII character 0) & (ASCII character 0) & (ASCII character 0)
	end try
	set tDoc to file type of les_infos
	if tDoc is nil then set tDoc to my quelAW(leFichier)
	if tDoc is in {"CWWP", "TEXT", "sWWP"} then
		set {leTraducteur, monExtension} to {traducteurWP, extensionWP}
	else if tDoc is in {"CWSS", "sWSS"} then
		set {leTraducteur, monExtension} to {traducteurSS, extensionSS}
	else if tDoc is in {"CWDB", "sWDB"} then
		set {leTraducteur, monExtension} to {traducteurDB, extensionDB}
	else if tDoc is in {"CWPT", "sWPT", "CWGR", "sWGR"} then
		set {leTraducteur, monExtension} to {traducteurGR, extensionGR}
		--error msg7 number 8007
		set {leTraducteur, monExtension} to {"????", "????"}
	end if -- tDoc.
	if leTraducteur is not in {NoTranslation, "????"} then
		tell application "AppleWorks 6"
CAUTION ! Under 10.6, we can't coerce a string to an alias in a tell application block
So I move the coercion in a handler.
				open my text2alias(leFichier)
			on error errMsg number errNbr
			end try
			set nb_Ouverts to (count each document)
		end tell -- to AppleWorks 
		if nb_Ouverts > nbDocsOuverts then
			(* Le fichier a pu être ouvert.
¢ The file is really open. *)
			(* ici il faut créer un nom unique *)
			set nouvoNom to my creeNomUnique(leDossier, leVraiNom, monExtension)
			set nouveauChemin to leDossier & nouvoNom
			if leTraducteur is traducteurGR then
				set end of listeGraphiques to {leFichier, leTraducteur, nouveauChemin}
				(* on enregistreSousra les graphiques plus tard
¢ will save graphics later *)
				my enregistreSous(leFichier, leTraducteur, nouveauChemin) (* 1 *)
			end if -- leTraducteur is traducteurGR
			tell application "AppleWorks 6" to close document 1 without saving
			set rapport to rapport & msg92 & leFichier & return
		end if -- nb_Ouverts. 
		set rapport to rapport & errMsg & " -- " & errNum & return & msg91 & leFichier & return
	end if -- leTraducteur.  
end TraiteUnFichier


on quelAW(le_fichier)
	local flag, deb280, versionNum, marqueur
	set deb280 to (read file le_fichier from 1 for 280)
	if (text 5 thru 8 of deb280) is "BOBO" then (* it's an  AppleWorks document *)
		set flag to 1
		set versionNum to ASCII number of (character 1 of deb280)
		if versionNum = 6 then
			set marqueur to 279 -- cas de la version AW6
			set flag to 3
		else if versionNum = 5 then
			set marqueur to 269 -- cas de la version AW5/CW5
		else if versionNum = 4 then
			set marqueur to 258 -- cas de la version CW4
		else if versionNum = 3 then
			set marqueur to 250 -- cas de la version CW3 
		else if versionNum = 2 then
			set marqueur to 250 -- cas de la version CW2
		else if versionNum = 1 then
			set marqueur to 244 -- cas de la version CW1
			set marqueur to 0
		end if -- character 1 .
		(* The character at offset marqueur is a type signature
0 = CWGR
1 = CWWP
2 = CWSS
3 = CWDB
4 = CWPT
5 = CWPR
		if marqueur > 0 then
			set maybe to ASCII number (character marqueur of deb280)
			if maybe > 5 then
				set ftype to "????"
				set ftype to item (maybe + 1) of {"CWGR", "CWWP", "CWSS", "CWDB", "CWPT", "CWPR"}
			end if -- maybe > 5
			set ftype to "????"
		end if -- marqueur > 0
		set ftype to "????"
	end if --  (text 5 thru.
	log ftype
	return ftype
end quelAW


on text2alias(t)
	return t as alias
end text2alias


on createDirTree(rc, p)
		string rc : root container path where to start directory tree
		string p : path string such as "aaa:bbb:ccc:"
		return string (rc & p) : path to created directory, such as "rc:aaa:bbb:ccc:"
		(rc & p) as alias
		return (rc & p) -- rc & p is already present
	on error --
	end try
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
		set cc to text items of p
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
		set cc to items 1 thru -2 of cc
	on error
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
		return rc
	end try
	set x to rc
	repeat with C in cc
			set y to x & C & ":"
			y as alias -- check its presence
			set x to y
		on error
			tell application "Finder" to set x to (make new folder at item x with properties {name:C}) as text
		end try
	end repeat
	return x
end createDirTree


on quelOS()
	set the hexData to system attribute "sysv"
	set hexString to {}
	repeat 4 times
		set hexString to ((hexData mod 16) as string) & hexString
		set hexData to hexData div 16
	end repeat
	--log hexString
	return hexString as string
end quelOS


(* Merci/Thanks Hiroto *)

on textAsStringData(t)
text t : source text
return data : «data TEXT...», where ... is hexadecimal representation of t as MacRoman string.
	set enTexte to do shell script "printf " & quoted form of t & " | iconv -f utf-8 -t macroman | perl -0777 -ne 'print unpack \"H*\", $_;'"
	run (run script "
return «data TEXT" & enTexte & "»
end script")
end textAsStringData


on loadQTTranslators() (* Merci/Thanks Hiroto *)
	Une bidouille pour s'affranchir d'un bug d'AW6  
	Ce dernier "perd" les traducteurs [QT] 
	après l'ouverture d'un document quelconque.
	Cette routine aberrante force AW6 Ã  reconstruire 
	une liste de traducteurs complète (sans le relancer).
¢ A workaround of AW6's bug
AW6 will lose QT origin translators in export/import 
translators list after opening a document of any kind.
This absurd handler is to make AW6 recall them in the list
(without restarting AW6)
	set n to ((time of (current date)) as string) & ".cwk"
	set f to (path to desktop as string) & n
	tell application "AppleWorks 6"
		make new document with properties {document kind:drawing document, name:n}
		tell drawing area of document n to make new oval at front with properties {bounds:{50, 50, 200, 100}}
		close document n saving in f
	end tell
	-- cleaning up dummy document
		tell application "Finder" to delete f as alias
	end try
end loadQTTranslators


on construitListeTraducteurs()
	tell application "AppleWorks 6"
		set traducteurs_ to export translators
		if "[QT]" is not in (traducteurs_ as text) then
			my loadQTTranslators() (* Merci/Thanks Hiroto *)
			set traducteurs_ to export translators
		end if
	end tell -- to AppleWorks
	return traducteurs_
end construitListeTraducteurs


on prepareMessages()
	if (do shell script "defaults read 'Apple Global Domain' AppleLocale") starts with "fr_" then
		set msg0 to "Ce script n'est pas compatible" & ¬
			return & "avec cette version d˜AppleWorks." & return & ¬
			"Veuillez utiliser une version 6.0" & return & ¬
			"ou plus récente..."
		set msg1 to "Préférences AppleWorks corrompues."
		set msg5 to "Au revoir !"
		set msg7 to "Format non géré !"
		set msg8 to "Fichiers non enregistrés."
		set msg91 to "Pas traité"
		set msg92 to "Pas ouvert"
		set msg93 to "Refusé"
		set msg94 to "Avorté"
		set msg95 to "Choisir un traducteur pour" & ¬
			return & "Traitement de textes"
		set msg96 to "Choisir un traducteur pour" & ¬
			return & "Tableurs"
		set msg97 to "Choisir un traducteur pour" & ¬
			return & "Base de données"
		set msg98 to "Choisir un traducteur pour" & ¬
			return & "documents Graphiques"
		set msg99 to " Vu "
		set NoTranslation to "  FORMAT ORIGINAL"
		set Bttns1 to {"Annuler", "Modifier", "Accepter"}
		set msg0 to "This script is not compatible" & return & ¬
			"with this version of  AppleWorks." & return & ¬
			"Please use version 6.0" & return & "or higher..."
		set msg1 to "Aworks prefs are corrupted."
		set msg5 to "Good bye !"
		set msg7 to "this document kind is not treated !"
		set msg8 to "Unsaved files."
		set msg91 to "Not treated"
		set msg92 to "Not open"
		set msg93 to "Rejected"
		set msg94 to "Failed"
		set msg95 to "Choose a translator for" & ¬
			return & "Word processing"
		set msg96 to "Choose a translator for" & ¬
			return & "Spreadsheets"
		set msg97 to "Choose a translator for" & ¬
			return & "Database"
		set msg98 to "Choose a translator for" & ¬
			return & "graphic docs"
		set msg99 to "Oops"
		set NoTranslation to "  No translation"
		set Bttns1 to {"Cancel", "Reset", " OK "}
	end if
	set msg91 to "### " & msg91 & " ###  "
	set msg92 to "### " & msg92 & " ###  "
	set msg93 to "### " & msg93 & " ###  "
	set msg94 to "### " & msg94 & " ###  "
	set {traducteurWP, traducteurSS, traducteurDB, traducteurGR} to {NoTranslation, NoTranslation, NoTranslation, NoTranslation}
end prepareMessages


I know that some readers dislike varnames built from French words.
I didn’t made any change to the script because I can’t compile it as AppleWorks is no longer available on my machine.

Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) mercredi 3 septembre 2014 17:31:13


Merci! My French is 60 years old but I think I can read the script. For once I want to study it before I run it. Usually I have just ran thinks but I need to see where this is going so that if there is an error I have a grasp of what is going on.
