Save as PDF in Acrobat Professional


I am a complete newbe.

I ran into the issue Filemaker pro’s PDF creating does does not automatically compress the PDf file. now 8.3 MB
When I open this file in Acrobat Professional, and then save it as PDF it’s 1,2 MB.
I searched, and read the several save as in this forum, yet i do not understand a thing…
I do not even know how to execute a menu item…
so far, I am back at

tell application “Finder”
open application file “Adobe Acrobat 7.0” of folder “Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional” of folder “Applications” of startup disk
open document file “file-E_Mail_int_1.pdf” of folder “Desktop” of folder “bastiaan” of folder “Users” of startup disk
end tell

I tried save as document file “file-E_Mail_int_1.pdf” of folder “Desktop” of folder “bastiaan” of folder “Users” of startup disk
tell application file “Adobe Acrobat 7.0” of folder “Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional” of folder “Applications” of startup disk to save document file “file-E_Mail_int_1.pdf”

and all different kind of save …
get error messages all over… you see… newbe problem

Adobe Acrobat Library says

save‚v : Save the document.
save reference : The document to be saved.
[to file specification] : An “alias” or “file” path of the new document (Save As…).
[using reference] : Conversion class object to use. Converts to non-PDF formats.
[linearize boolean] : Whether the document should be saved as linearized.

please help,
it can’t be too difficult ?
scripteditor 2.1.1 (81) Applescript 1.10.7

Model: Intel Mac
AppleScript: 1.10.7
Browser: Firefox
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)

H Bosch,

Try taking a look at this thread Batching a folder of Acrobat PDF’s to Open, Reduce File Size, and save.

It accomplishes much of what your trying to do, but should also compress your PDF down even smaller than doing a save as from withing Acrobat.

If you run into any problems or this won’t work for you let us know!

Hi James Nierodzik, from chicago :slight_smile:

Thanks I tried to Downsize from FM-pro,
but then on one of the pages, with gradient light red color, truns color to black, (unreadable),

  • some other issues…

I just found out in Filemaker scripting, that when selecting turn-on PDF security
i am able to select print at 150 DPI,
which downsizes the document correctly to 150 DPI PDF 2,3 MB.
even though for screen view 72 PDI is enough… and would smaller the MB’s

2,3 MB This is good enough for me right now, (as because of some hurry)

I am goin to try it your "Batching a folder of Acrobat PDF’s to Open, Reduce File Size, and save. " way 2


From The Netherlands,
Say Hi to Oprah from me,
Love to come to her show one day :-))

yours truly,


Model: Intel Mac
AppleScript: 1.10.7
Browser: Firefox
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)