Save File Paths to Text File

This shortcut creates a text file that contains the path to every file in a folder and its subfolders. When first installed, the shortcut will (hopefully) prompt you to select the folder that will contain the text file. The filter action can be set to return only those files that meet a specific condition and to sort the files as desired. The shortcut generally worked well in my testing, but it failed with a target folder that contained 32,277 files.

Save Paths.shortcut (22.8 KB)

Fredrik71. I ran my shortcut on a folder that contained 552 files in 135 folders. The timing result was 0.95 second and that included the time it took to call the shortcut by way of an AppleScript.

I made it clear in my post that my shortcut would fail with a large number of files, yet you proceeded to test it with 20,000 files. Clearly you were looking for something to criticize.

I welcome constructive suggestions, but your post is dishonest and intentionally insulting, and you need to find something better to do with your time.

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