Save text on image - possible?

Hi everyone,

here’s another one I am fighting with for quite some time - I almost forgot about it as I was so frustrated I just didn’t continue to look at it - maybe one of you guys has an idea:

I want to load an image, add text to it (let’s say the filename) and save this as a new image.
Is there a way this can be done with ASOC?

Back with AppleScript Studio I tried to do it with which did work,
but the quality of the resulting image was pretty bad.


What are you willing/able to use? Photoshop? Any third party image apps? There is also SIPS library/framework (also Image Events but that is way less powerful).

I was hoping I could do this NOT using photoshop or other expensive software.

Basically you could draw the bitmap representation of the image and the text as separate layers into a (offscreen) view. Then write the captured contents of the view back to disk