Saving color/value in a color well

I have a color well names “Colors” in a window named “Window” with a text field named “Hey”

I am trying to change the color of the text in that text field and this works:
set text color of text field “Hey” of window “Window” to color of color well “Colors”

However, the color well is for some reason being weird. FIrst off, I have the deafult set to a gray color, but when I Build and Run my app, it is always black. Also, I have the value of it set to bind to user defaults so itll be the same after the user quits and relaunches, but that isnt working either for some reason. I binded it using interface builder 3.0 under the Inspectors binding area.

any suggestions?

the problem seems to be this:

I can set the default and make that work, but once I try to bind the value of the color weel in interface builder, the default automatically goes to black for some reason… any suggestions?

I never got around to to figuring that out. (

Do you have the Value Transformer set to NSUnarchiveFromData? (I mention that at the end of this post.)

Thanks, the NSUnarchiveDate transformer is now saving the color. Works great!