Saving Exported Numbers Files Into Original Folder

I could really use some help with this!

I need to be able to format the same column in many opened Numbers files, and then export these files to Excel format and save them in Numbers format back into the same folder each one currently resides.

I have the following script that seems to do the job of formatting, exporting and saving, but I can only seem to export the Excel file onto the desktop and not the original folder.

I need to end up with the original folder containing both the Numbers and Excel files.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated and please feel free to improve on the existing Applescript syntax as well to make it more efficient.

tell application "Numbers"
	set the defaultDestinationFolder to (path to desktop folder)
	repeat with i from 1 to count of documents
		tell table 1 of sheet 1 of document i
			set alignment of column 10 to right
		end tell
		set documentName to the name of document i
		tell application "Finder"
			set newExportFileName to documentName & ".xlsx"
		end tell
		set the targetFileHFSPath to (defaultDestinationFolder as string) & newExportFileName
		with timeout of 1200 seconds
			export document i to file targetFileHFSPath as Microsoft Excel
		end timeout
		save document i
		close document i
	end repeat
end tell

Well, you are explicitly instructing it to save to the desktop.

Yes, because that’s all I know how to do! I need to delete that and have the script save everything to the original folder.

Are all documents from the same folder or could they be in different folders?

They could be from different folders, so as it cycles through each open document, it uses the parent folder of that one to export to.

I’m also not sure if the existing script can be tidied up a bit as well? I’m pretty new to this and am trying my best to figure it all out :smile:

Okay. Then inside the repeat loop, you can get the path of each document:

set docPath to file of document i as text

Yeah, there are a couple of things you can do, e.g. there isn’t a need to put set newExportFileName inside a finder tell block. Give me a few minutes and I’ll try and post something.

Thank you SO MUCH!!!

And if I could also ask you for a second variant that does the same thing but instead of having all the numbers files opened, it would prompt you to select the folder and process all the numbers files inside without having to open them all in advance, that would be great.

So this should work with open files. I moved the close command outside the loop so it doesn’t complicate the loop. I changed a couple of numbers to make it easier to test (e.g. column to align, timeout).

tell application "Numbers"
	-- activate
	repeat with i from 1 to count of documents
		set alignment of column 2 of table 1 of sheet 1 of document i to right
		set docName to the name of document i
		set docPath to file of document i as text
		tell application "Finder" to set docDir to container of alias docPath as text

		set newExportFileName to docName & ".xlsx"
		set the targetFileHFSPath to docDir & newExportFileName
		with timeout of 12 seconds
			export document i to file targetFileHFSPath as Microsoft Excel with exclude summary worksheet
		end timeout
		save document i without asking
	end repeat
	close documents
end tell

And can this be modified so that each file opens from a selected folder, then processes and closes, one at a time, so that they don’t all need to be first opened at the same time in Numbers?

Two questions: what is the purpose of setting the delimiters, and why is there a timeout setting? And should we reset the timeout back to something much higher, like 1200?

Thanks again!

Delimiters are a tool to allow you to separate and join texts. You can read up on them here.

Basically, you use text items of to split a text around the delimiters. I set them to a colon (because that’s what separates directories and files in a path) and it returned the individual elements of the path to the file.

I then removed the last item from the list (i.e. the file) and then rejoined the items into a path that no longer included the file (i.e. the file’s containing folder) using as text. At the end, I set the delimiters back to their default but this is optional — of course if you do any other such processing within the script, they will affect them as set.

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
set xy to "MacHD:Users:home:Desktop:numb.numbers"

set yz to text items of xy
--> {"MacHD", "Users", "home", "Desktop", "numb.numbers"}

set ab to items 1 thru -2 of yz
--> {"MacHD", "Users", "home", "Desktop"}

set cd to ab as text
--> "MacHD:Users:home:Desktop"

You can set the timeout to any number you like (or remove it) but It does perplex me as to why you would want to potentially wait 20 minutes for each file to export. For myself, if something is wrong and the script won’t complete, I would rather be notified sooner rather than later. A valid reason to increase it would be that your spreadsheet tables are massive and the script won’t finish exporting each one before the default timeout (two minutes).

I use timeouts with excel because a default spreadsheet has a million rows and hundreds of columns and it is relatively easy to have a script try to process every row or cell even when empty. That doesn’t really apply to Numbers because you only have as many rows and columns as your table shows but YMMV.

This should cycle through each Numbers spreadsheet file and open, edit, export, save, and close them.

set sDir to choose folder
--> alias "MacHD:Users:username:Documents:numero:"
tell application "Finder" to set sList to (files of sDir whose kind is "Numbers Spreadsheet") as alias list

tell application "Numbers"
	-- open sList -- if you want to open all spreadsheets at once	
	repeat with ff in sList
		open ff
		tell document 1
			set alignment of column 2 of table 1 of sheet 1 to right
			set docName to its name
			set newExportFileName to docName & ".xlsx"
			set the targetFileHFSPath to (sDir as text) & newExportFileName
			with timeout of 12 seconds
				export to file targetFileHFSPath as Microsoft Excel with exclude summary worksheet
			end timeout
			save without asking
		end tell
	end repeat
end tell

It is possible that opening each file will take a bit of time and thus the script may get confused. If this occurs, try adding delay 1 after the open ff line and a one second delay will be added.

But I didn’t see where you actually parsed the path in the script, unless I missed it?

Sorry, as I went through the script, I ended up using a different method — having the Finder get the container. I’ll delete the delimiter lines.

The first script works great, This one produces an error: “Numbers got an error: Invalid key form.” on this line: " export to file targetFileHFSPath as Microsoft Excel with exclude summary worksheet"

Put this line immediately above the export line in each script. You only need to have one spreadsheet open (or in the folder).

display dialog targetFileHFSPath

The resulting dialogue (in each script) should have the full path to the spreadsheet, e.g.


This is what is being fed to the export command.

Yes, it does have the full path.

But it then says : Numbers got an error: Invalid key form.