What is the meaning of your sentences :
This script does not work:
I haven’t figured out a better way to position the cursor ?
Here, it can’t be compiled because the instructions « tell application » and « end tell » aren’t balanced.
To compile it you must use :
tell application "Pages"
set fileName to "testsave"
set thisDocument to ¬
make new document with properties {document template:template "TestTemplate3"}
-- end tell # DISABLED
# I haven't figured out a better way to position the cursor
set desktopFolder to path to desktop as text
save thisDocument in file (desktopFolder & fileName)
end tell
tell application "Pages"
set fileName to "testsave"
set thisDocument to ¬
make new document with properties {document template:template "TestTemplate3"}
end tell
# I haven't figured out a better way to position the cursor
set desktopFolder to path to desktop as text
tell application "Pages" # ADDED
save thisDocument in file (desktopFolder & fileName)
end tell
I would use a third one :
tell application "Pages"
set fileName to "testsave"
set thisDocument to ¬
make new document with properties {document template:template "TestTemplate3"}
# I haven't figured out a better way to position the cursor
tell me to set desktopFolder to path to desktop as text
save thisDocument in file (desktopFolder & fileName)
end tell
or even a fourth one :
set desktopFolder to path to desktop as text
tell application "Pages"
set fileName to "testsave"
set thisDocument to ¬
make new document with properties {document template:template "TestTemplate3"}
# I haven't figured out a better way to position the cursor
save thisDocument in file (desktopFolder & fileName)
end tell
The instruction : set desktopFolder to path to desktop as text
can’t be encapsulated in a tell application . end tell block because path to is a function belonging to an OSAX (Standard Addition)
If we really need to leave it in such a block we must prefix it by « tell me to » as I did in my third code.
In fact, even third and fourth codes fail because for an obscure permissions problem, the application is not permitted to save a document on the Desktop.
As I had a folder named “theMainFolder” available on the Desktop I edited the script to store in it.
tell application "Pages"
set fileName to "testsave"
set thisDocument to ¬
make new document with properties {document template:template "TestTemplate3"}
# I haven't figured out a better way to position the cursor
tell me to set desktopFolder to path to desktop as text
save thisDocument in file (desktopFolder & "theMainFolder:" & fileName) # EDITED
end tell
And this time it behaved flawlessly.
I tried to store in an other predefined folder, the Documents one.
The application is permitted to store a document in it.
Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) dimanche 27 avril 2014 10:51:13