Saving in different directories.

I’m a newcomer to Applescripting, but through some research I’ve sorta mashed together a folder action script which does what I need… mostly. I have image sequences which I need to open in Quicktime at a specific frame rate and then save a self-contained movie. The issue I’m having is getting it to save in a directory other than the one with the source sequence. Is anyone able to help me out and let me know where my wheels are falling off?

on adding folder items to thisFolder after receiving droppedFolders
	repeat with aFolder in droppedFolders
		set a to "/Volumes/Fatman_930/seq_test/out"
		set fileDest to POSIX file a
		set ext to ".mov"
		tell application "Finder" to set theSequence to (get first file of aFolder as alias)
		set nameSequence to (theSequence as string) & ext
		tell application "QuickTime Player"
			open image sequence theSequence frames per second 25
			tell document 1
				with timeout of 500 seconds
					save self contained in {fileDest:nameSequence}
				end timeout
			end tell
		end tell
	end repeat
end adding folder items to

This was mainly the result of another post I found here:, so to them I say thanks!

maybe try changing this line

set fileDest to POSIX file a

to this

set fileDest to quoted form of POSIX path of a

Unfortunately no dice. I’m still getting an error in Quicktime saying “The movie could not be saved.” You should just be able to denote the destination directory as part of that line, “save self contained in…”, yeah?


export document 1 to {fileDest:nameSequence} as image sequence


save document 1 to {fileDest:nameSequence} as image sequence