Saving PICT's from Photoshop...


(FYI…I’ve posted this question in multiple places, so a lot of you may have seen it already, but I still haven’t figured it out…)

I’m working on an AS that will save a 240x240 pixel image as a PICT file. The final file size must not exceed 32k. I’m getting different file sizes when I save from Photoshop manually versus saving with my script. On a test file, saving manually from Photoshop as a PICT file gets me down to 20k, but when my script saves it with the same options, I get 184k (as if the compression options are being ignored). The save options are 32 bits/pixel with Low JPEG compression, no embedded profile, and PS is set up to save without a preview.

This is the script:

tell app "Adobe Photoshop 7.0"
   set pictSave to {class:PICT file save options, compression:low quality JPEG, embed color profile:false, resolution:thirty two} 
   save current document in file MySaveOptions as PICT file with options pictSave appending no extension with replace 
end tell

‘MySaveOptions’ is a destination folder and naming convention.

MacOS 9.2.2
Photoshop 7.0.1

How can I get the script to save PICT’s the same as saving manually? I’m obviously missing something ;o TIA.


Have you tried creating an ‘Action’ from inside Photoshop? If you set it up right it should produce the same result as saving the file manually. Actions can also be made into droplets.

Yeah, that’s what I ended up doing. I made an Action that takes care of that part of the script. It works fine, but I wish I knew why the script doesn’t.

Thanks for the reply 8)

If you make your applescript call the action it should be no different than triggering it yourself. Instead of having your Photoshop script save the file, have your action do it.

I don’t have Pshop 7 but I suspect you can still:

do script “my save action”

I can’t tell from your post, maybe you already did that.
