(FYI…I’ve posted this question in multiple places, so a lot of you may have seen it already, but I still haven’t figured it out…)
I’m working on an AS that will save a 240x240 pixel image as a PICT file. The final file size must not exceed 32k. I’m getting different file sizes when I save from Photoshop manually versus saving with my script. On a test file, saving manually from Photoshop as a PICT file gets me down to 20k, but when my script saves it with the same options, I get 184k (as if the compression options are being ignored). The save options are 32 bits/pixel with Low JPEG compression, no embedded profile, and PS is set up to save without a preview.
This is the script:
tell app "Adobe Photoshop 7.0"
set pictSave to {class:PICT file save options, compression:low quality JPEG, embed color profile:false, resolution:thirty two}
save current document in file MySaveOptions as PICT file with options pictSave appending no extension with replace
end tell
‘MySaveOptions’ is a destination folder and naming convention.
MacOS 9.2.2
Photoshop 7.0.1
How can I get the script to save PICT’s the same as saving manually? I’m obviously missing something ;o TIA.