Schedule a script to run using terminal "at" comma

Can I use the command line “at” command to schedule the running of a script? I have a script that I wrote to “sync” two folders, I want to schedule it to run every night. I thought I would be able to do it with the “at” command but I can’t figure it out. Any help would be great!


I’m not sure about this, but I think ‘at’ is more of a one-time-shot used to run a job at some other time in the future, but not on a repeating schedule. Cron would be better suited for such a task. There are other options such as “Script Timer”, “Cronathon”, or “iCal” which can be used to schedule a time to run an AppleScript on a repeating basis.

iKey would be another s. Besides allowing for timed running of any script or application, it provides many other shortcuts.

I read this on the X-Unix mailing list…