Script App for Photoshop?

Ok, I’m sure this is something you guys have answered a lot, but here it goes again.

I have a Photoshop CS action that frames and puts a signature on my pictures, however opening each picture, doing that, and saving it can be a PITA. Is there any way that I can make a script and save it as an App so that I can just drag the images on to it and it’ll load them in PS, run the action, and save them with the same file name? I know my other option is to do the batch action in PS, but with a script app I could then add on to the script and have it up load to Flickr all in one drag-and-drop. TIA guys, any help is appreciated.

Model: MacBook Core Duo
AppleScript: 1.0
Browser: Safari 525.13
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)

I do not have CS but this is working in CS3.



Tested on CS3 running Leopard

Change the save as to your desired type. Currently set to JPEG

property default_action : "Wood Frame - 50 pixel"
property default_set : "Default Actions"

tell application "Finder"
	set photosFolder to choose folder without invisibles
	set thePhotos to every item of photosFolder
end tell

set the target_folder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose a destination folder for the duplicated images:") as string

my processPhotos(target_folder, thePhotos)

on processPhotos(target_folder, these_files)
	tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS3"
			set display dialogs to never
			set the processed_images to {}
			repeat with i from 1 to 2 --the count of these_files
				set this_file to item i of these_files as string as alias
				close every document saving no
				open this_file showing dialogs never
				set the doc_name to the name of the current document
				set the target_file to (target_folder & doc_name)
				save current document in file target_file as JPEG
				do action default_action from default_set
				flatten current document
				save current document
				close current document saving no
				set the end of the processed_images to ((file target_file) as alias)
			end repeat
		on error error_message
			display dialog error_message buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1
		end try
	end tell
end processPhotos

Thanks for the response, but there was actually something in Photoshop I was unaware of that made an executable application to run whatever action I selected.

Do share.



Photoshop/Menubar/File/Automate/Create Droplet. choose your saved action and handling options.

Sorry Craig, I forgot to come back and share it, but this is it, creating a droplet