script assistance request

i am interested in adapting a ibook for my daughter who is visually impaired and need some assistance in writing some scripts to enhance the voice commands for navigation. would be interested in hiring someone to write these after (lengthy) description of exact goals. i live in colorado but suspect this could be done from anywhere. any ideas/interest/knowledge of local talent? thanks tom bost

You may look into the built in features it already has. You can program or script voice commands, but they are not very reliable in my opinion. But, I am not an expert.

I for one, would be happy to help you and your daughter out wherever possible. Do you have anything written down in regards to what you’d like to do? or even better - some specific issues you need help with? There are a lot a great scripters here - I’m sure we could all get you started down the right path, and help you figure out what types of scripts you need.


I’ve found that voice commands only work if you shout loudly at the computer in a cod American accent. Unless you live in a part of the world where such behaviour is the norm, they’re probably best avoided. :wink:

Where’s a “cod” American accent found? A Nova Scotian accent doesn’t work, I know.

I have to impersonate John Wayne.