There’s a lot to learn but it’s well worth the effort.
I can’t imagine scripting without SD (looking forward to version 4!) although Smile is also a powerful scripting tool that should not be overlooked. Cheers to Emmanuel and everyone else at Satimage for making it available for free!
It’s true… I can’t believe how much I am still learning about SD – even after owning it for six months.
In fact, after reading the manual, I actually wrote some script that is attached to Script Debugger.
Remember, this code looks great on my 17" Cinema Display with the dock on the right side of the screen. (This is why the above code may look horrible on your setup.)
Tweak as you see fit!
Every once in a while I find myself daydreaming about SD 4 – especially after reading some of the comments that Mark Aldritt has made on the SD mailing list and after seeing some of the screenshots of Afrus.
Agreed. Every scripter worth his salt should have a copy of Smile and the satimage.osax on his Mac! They are wonderful and I use them wherever appropriate. (All of my backup scripts use the osax – it rocks!)