I just realized that iPhone address book does not show “spouse” and “child” field.
I am doing a lot of work with this information on the go so I need to see their names somehow.
One way that I thought possible was to put the names in the note field since iPhone at least shows “note” from Address book.
I briefly thought about copying each one manually but with over 1000 names… No way.
Is there a script that I can use to do this? Copying the names from “spouse” and “child” to put it in “note”?
It would be nice if it can be flexible enough to copy any field to “note.”
Thank you very much!
*I tried to search it but the search engine is a little funky.
I am not the Address Book expert. But I believe this will work. Unfortunately, other things, like websites, are also considered as “related names”. Also, I got a “missing value” error when it tried to do a website one. So I tested for only “spouse” or “child”.
Also I couldn’t figure out how to find for only people who had related names. So it is looping thru every person; not very efficient.
So, the below can be considered a start. It worked for me; but I have few entries.
tell application "Address Book"
set people_ids to people
repeat with person_id in people_ids
tell related names of person_id
set related_labels to label
set related_names to value
end tell
-- Loop thru related names (if any)
set cnt to count (related_labels)
if cnt > 0 then
repeat with i from 1 to cnt
set counter to i
set label_txt to item i of related_labels
set name_txt to item i of related_names
if label_txt is "spouse" or label_txt is "child" then
set note of person_id to (note of person_id) & (linefeed & label_txt & ": " & name_txt)
end try
end if
end repeat
-- end related names loop
end if
end repeat
-- end people loop
end tell
Yes. I just ran it. I only have 130 people in my Address book, so it only took a few seconds. I was kind of hoping someone who knows Address Book (or AppleScript) better than I could offer some optimization tips. For one thing, it would be great to find only those who had related names first.
Also, as is it has no way to know if you’ve already done it on a particular person’s note. So it would add them again. I suppose it could test to see if the note already contains “spouse:” or “child:”
Maybe you can create an intelligent group in AddressBook, for all the people with “spouse” or “child” and then modify the applescript to check only the people in that group ?