Script palette?

Is there anything, freeware-wise, that provides a floating palette from which scripts could be activated with a single button click?
Sort of like Adobe Illustrator’s Actions palette (in button mode), but for other apps.


It isn’t “floating”, but are you aware of the Script Menu menu bar item? System>Library>CoreServices>Menu Extras


Yeah, I wanted something even more accessible.
Point and click
instead of
Point, scroll and click.

(yes, I’m ashamed of my laziness)


QuicKeys can do that, but it’s still more comfortable
to use FastScripts and run scripts triggered by keyboard shortcuts


DragThIng. It and Script Menu are what make OS X usable for me! :slight_smile:

Edit: Sorry. I didn’t notice you’d specified free-ware. But it’s a very modest outlay and I stand by my recommendation.

I you use Leopard and later on you can have a folder with your scripts in the dock and subfolders too, but that was what you intended to skip I guess.

Anyway if you drag a folder with the scripts you like to use to the dock. then control click it and choose display a list you should be able to get a nice meny with some 30/40 items scripts on depending of the resolution etc.
You have to open the info for each script and make them to be opened with this droplet:

on open the_scripts
repeat with i in the_scripts
run script i
end repeat
end open

Then you should have a nice little script launcher from the dock which is easily to open and configure as well thanks to the open in finder item.

You still have to click to activate it before you launch, and it isn’t always visible, but on the other hand it do save real-estate.

I use Butler and I think it’s great. You can place almost everything in the Menu Bar or in a little floating window that functions as a second dock.

Hope you like it,

Are you talking about Butler’s docklet? I guess that would work, but I was hoping for something more free floating.

A pre-OS X freeware Applescript Studio utility - Script Palette 1.0.1 - is at

the link is still alive and the script is readable.

Might be of use to someone who knows what to do with it. (I don’t).


I should mention that Doug at dougscripts came up with something for iTunes, though I’m not sure offhand whether it allows “one-click” running of scripts