Script to connect to Windows server

Not really had a good try at this yet…

Just wanted to write a little script to connect to some Windows :? servers.

Tried the mount command but get an error back (-1028).

Any ideas.

This is under 10.2.8 and may be Pather later.


The script below is what I use. Of course, if you feel secure enough, (i.e. you’re using this on a home network behind a good firewall), you can just specify the password in the second line. If you’re in an environment that requires any kind of security at all, I don’t recommend using the password method in this script, though. There are osaxen for passwords that are much more secure.

set user_name to “USERNAME”
set pass_word to text returned of (display dialog “Password:” default answer “” buttons {“OK”} default button 1 with icon 1)

–repeat these for each server
mount volume “smb://” & user_name & “:” & pass_word & “@SERVER/SHARE”
mount volume “smb://” & user_name & “:” & pass_word & “@SERVER/SHARE”


Just what the doctor ordered!!