script to launch a program at a certain time every day?

hello, i am wondering if i can script something to launch a program at a certain time every day, such as 7:00 pm so it can record a show that is on? is that possible?

This is the very last piece of my current scripting puzzle. Any help would be tremendously appreciated. I’ve been digging and diggin and haven’t had any luck figure this on out for myself. Thanks -Rob


two (of probably more than two) ways:

The easy way:
Define a event in iCal with desired recurrence and attach the script to the alarm

The hard way
Create a crontab entry or launchd agent which triggers the script

Way #1 requires that you remember to leave iCal running.

Of the choices in Way #2, Crontab is the simpler.

No Sir, unless you have “Turn off alarms when iCal is not open” checked in the prefs :wink:

Well, the iCal method won’t really work for my purposes (as I want to set this up on different computers with offset times).

What’s a crontab entry?
is it part of applescript?


Nevermind. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I found a application called PiTime at that configures Unix’s Crontab feature. I think I’m all set now. Thanks again!!

I use this (BetterDialog AS extension required!)

 set passW to text returned of (display dialog "Enter password:" default answer "xxx")

set theRes to "None"
	set tEv to (do shell script "pmset -g sched" password passW with administrator privileges)'s paragraphs as list
	if "Repeating" is in (tEv's items as string) then ¬
		set tEv to {"----------» Remove all repeating events «----------"} & tEv
	with timeout of 150 seconds
		tell application "System Events" to set fappl to name of some application process whose frontmost is true
		set fApp to short name of (info for (path to frontmost application))
		set givingUpTime to 45
		do shell script "osascript -e 'do shell script \"sleep  " & givingUpTime & "\" ' -e 'tell application \"System Events\" to tell application process \"" & fApp & "\" to keystroke \".\" using {command down}'  > /dev/null 2>&1 & "
		tell application fappl to activate
		tell application fappl to set tR to (choose from list tEv with prompt "   List of power events:" OK button name "Add/Remove." with empty selection allowed) as string
				tell application fAppl	to activate
				tell application fAppl to (list dialog)
		on error
						tell application "QuicKeys" to play shortcut named "Cmd."
			set tR to false
		end try*)
	end timeout
	if tR = false or tR = "false" then return theRes
	if "Scheduled power events" is in tR or "Repeating power events:" is in tR then
	else if "Remove all repeating events" is in tR then
		do shell script "pmset repeat cancel" password passW with administrator privileges
		set rr to "nobo"
		if tR ≠ "" then
			set tR to tR's text from word 1 to word (number of words of tR)
			set butt to {" Cancel ", "Add.", "Remove"}
			if number of items of tR < 1 then set butt to {" Cancel ", "Add."}
			if "]" is in tR then set tR to "[" & tR
			tell application fappl to activate
			tell application fappl to set rr to button returned of (display dialog tR buttons butt default button (count items of butt) with icon alias ((((path to system folder) as string) & "Library:CoreServices:Certificate Assistant.icns") as string))
		end if
		if rr is " Cancel " then
			return theRes
		else if rr is "Remove" then
				set DatePart to (word 4 of tR & "/" & word 5 of tR & "/" & word 6 of tR & " " & word 7 of tR & ":" & word 8 of tR & ":" & word 9 of tR)
				set aktion to word 2 of tR
				set theCmd to "pmset schedule cancel " & aktion & " '" & DatePart & "'"
				do shell script theCmd password passW with administrator privileges
			on error
				tell application fappl to set rr to display dialog "Remove all repeating events instead...?" buttons {" Cancel ", "OK"} default button 2 with icon alias ((((path to system folder) as string) & "Library:CoreServices:Certificate Assistant.icns") as string) --1
				if rr is " Cancel " then return theRes
				do shell script "pmset repeat cancel" password passW with administrator privileges
			end try
			set {EventChoice, OccurrenceChoice, EventDate, PasswChoice, PassRemChoice} to my getBetterChoose(fApp, passW)
			if "File launch" is in EventChoice then
				if character 1 of EventDate = "M" then set EventDate to text from word 2 to -1 of EventDate
				my defineTimedFav(text 1 thru 2 of EventDate & "." & text -2 thru -1 of EventDate)
			end if
			if "Wakeup" is in EventChoice then set EventChoice to "wakeorpoweron"
			set theCmd to "pmset schedule " & EventChoice & " '" & EventDate & "'"
			if "repeat" is in OccurrenceChoice then set theCmd to "pmset repeat " & EventChoice & " " & EventDate & "'"
			--	display dialog (EventChoice & return & OccurrenceChoice & return & EventDate & return & theCmd) as string
			do shell script theCmd password passW with administrator privileges
		end if
	end if
	set theRes to do shell script "pmset -g sched" password passW with administrator privileges
end repeat
return theRes

on defineTimedFav(tim)
	tell application "Finder"
		set scriptFile to ((name of startup disk) & ":Library:Scripts:Launching scripts:Make Timed Favorite.scpt") as string
			set menuScript to load script file scriptFile
		on error
			set scriptFile to (reveal file scriptFile) as string
			close window 1
			set menuScript to load script file scriptFile
		end try
	end tell
	tell menuScript to go("", false, tim)
end defineTimedFav

on getDateStr()
	tell (current date)
		tell time to tell ((10000 + it div hours * 100 + it mod hours div minutes + 2) as string) to set t to text 2 thru 3 & ":" & text 4 thru 5
		tell (year * 10000 + (its month) + day * 100) as string to set d to text 7 thru 8 & "/" & text 5 thru 6 & "/" & text 3 thru 4
	end tell
	return d & " " & t
end getDateStr

on getBetterChoose(fappl, passW)
	set myChoices2 to {"Start & WakeUp", "Sleep", "ShutDown", "File Launch"}
	set myChoices3 to {"Single", "Repeating"}
	set salut to "New System Event:"
		tell application fappl to set myResult to display better dialog ¬
				salut fields {{kind:popup menu, name:"Event type:   ", field menu items:myChoices2}, ¬
			{kind:popup menu, name:"Occurrence:", field menu items:myChoices3}} ¬
			buttons {"OK", "Cancel"}
		set myname to "Eelco"
		set myPassword to "EelcoPW"
		-- Typical way of getting data out of this kind of dialog:
		set EventChoice to field value of item 1 of fields returned of myResult
		set OccurrenceChoice to field value of item 2 of fields returned of myResult
		set DateStuff to {{kind:text field kind, name:"Date:", field value:"mm/dd/yy"}}
		set theErr to ""
		if EventChoice = "File Launch" and OccurrenceChoice ≠ "Repeating" then
			set OccurrenceChoice to "Repeating"
			set salut to salut & return & "(file launch is repeating all weekdays !)"
		end if
		set hrz to {"00", "01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "23"}
		set minz to hrz
		repeat with i from 24 to 60
			set minz to minz & {i}
		end repeat
			tell (current date) to tell time to tell ((10000 + it div hours * 100 + it mod hours div minutes) as string)
				set currHour to text 2 thru 3
				set currMin to ((text 4 thru 5) as number)
			end tell
			set currMin to currMin + 2
			if OccurrenceChoice is "Repeating" then
				set DateStuff to {{kind:text field kind, name:"Weekdays", field value:"MTWRFSU"}}
				set timeStuff to {{kind:popup menu, name:"Hour:", field menu items:hrz, field value:currHour}, ¬
					{kind:popup menu, name:"Minute:", field menu items:minz, field value:currMin}} -- {{kind:text field kind, name:"Time:", field value:"hh:mm"}}
				set mo to (month of (current date) as number)
				set todayy to (day of (current date) as number)
				set Yr to " " & year of (current date)
				set {daytes, montz, dayz, yrz} to {{}, {}, {}, {year of (current date)}}
				repeat with i from 1 to 9
					set yrz to yrz & {(yrz's last item) + 1}
				end repeat
				repeat 12 times
					set n to (do shell script "cal " & mo & Yr)
					set montz to montz & {{word 1 of n}}
					set daytes to daytes & paragraphs 2 thru -1 of n
					set mo to (mo + 1) mod 12
					if mo = 0 then set mo to 12
					if mo = 1 then set Yr to " " & ((year of (current date)) + 1)
				end repeat
				repeat with k from 2 to number of items of daytes
					set gg to words of daytes's item k
					set dayz to dayz & gg
					if k > 5 then exit repeat
				end repeat
				set DateStuff to {{kind:popup menu, name:"Year:", field menu items:yrz}, ¬
					{kind:popup menu, name:"Month:", field menu items:montz}, ¬
					{kind:popup menu, name:"Day:", field menu items:dayz, field value:todayy}, ¬
					{kind:popup menu, name:"Hour:", field menu items:hrz, field value:currHour}, ¬
					{kind:popup menu, name:"Minute:", field menu items:minz, field value:currMin}}
				set timeStuff to {}
			end if
			tell application fappl to set myResult to display better dialog ¬
				theErr & return & salut fields ¬
				{{kind:popup menu, name:"Event type:", field menu items:EventChoice}, ¬
					{kind:popup menu, name:"Occurrence:", field menu items:OccurrenceChoice}} & ¬
				DateStuff & timeStuff & ¬
				{{kind:password field, name:"Your password:", field value:passW}, ¬
					{kind:check box, name:"Remember password", field value:checked state}} ¬
					buttons {"OK", "Cancel"}
			set blijfVragen to false
			if OccurrenceChoice = "Repeating" then
				set DateChoice to ""
				set DateChoice to field value of item 3 of fields returned of myResult
				set TimeChoice to "'" & field value of item 4 of fields returned of myResult & ":" & field value of item 5 of fields returned of myResult & ":00" -- was met keyB entry: field value of item 4 of fields returned of myResult
				if EventChoice = "File Launch" then set TimeChoice to field value of item 4 of fields returned of myResult
				set PasswChoice to field value of item 6 of fields returned of myResult
				set PassRemChoice to field value of item 7 of fields returned of myResult
				set YearChoice to field value of item 3 of fields returned of myResult
				set monthChoice to field value of item 4 of fields returned of myResult
				set DayChoice to field value of item 5 of fields returned of myResult
				set TimeChoice to field value of item 6 of fields returned of myResult & ":" & field value of item 7 of fields returned of myResult & ":00:00"
				set PasswChoice to field value of item 8 of fields returned of myResult
				set PassRemChoice to field value of item 9 of fields returned of myResult
				set DateChoice to my getMonthNum(monthChoice) & "/" & DayChoice & "/" & YearChoice
				set checkDateChoice to DayChoice & "/" & my getMonthNum(monthChoice) & "/" & YearChoice & " " & TimeChoice
					set checkDate to (date (checkDateChoice)) - (current date)
					if checkDate < 1 then --tell application fAppl to display dialog checkDate as string					
						beep 2
						tell application fappl to set myResult to display dialog ("\"" & checkDateChoice & "\":" & return & "Date specified is in the past..!" & return & "(delta: " & checkDate & ")") as string buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with icon 0
						set blijfVragen to true
					end if
				on error
					beep 2
					tell application fappl to set myResult to display dialog ("\"" & checkDateChoice & "\":" & return & "Not a valid date specification.! ") as string buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with icon 0
					set blijfVragen to true
				end try
			end if
			if (TimeChoice as string) contains "hh:mm" then error "Not a valid time specification.! "
			if character 2 of TimeChoice is not in "1234567890" then set TimeChoice to ("0" & TimeChoice) as string
				if not blijfVragen then return {EventChoice, OccurrenceChoice, DateChoice & " " & TimeChoice, PasswChoice, PassRemChoice}
			on error theErr -- will be mentioned in header
					if number of characters of theErr > 35 then ¬
						set theErr to text 1 thru 35 of theErr
					set theErr to "» " & theErr & return
				end try
			end try
		end repeat
	end repeat
end getBetterChoose

on getMonthNum(mth)
	set monthNames to "Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec"
	set counter to 0
		set counter to counter + 1
		if word counter of monthNames is in mth then
			set monthNum to counter
			exit repeat
		end if
	end repeat
	return monthNum
end getMonthNum

Hi Eelco, thanks for your post! Hey, I’m having a problem though… I can’t get it to complie. I end up with the Syntax Error “Expected end of line but found identifier.” Can you help? I’d really like to try out the script you posted.

[oh, and the word “better” (in the 6th line down. {see below}) is highlighted when I get the error message.]

Thanks again for all your help.

on getBetterChoose(fappl, passW)
set myChoices2 to {“Start & WakeUp”, “Sleep”, “ShutDown”, “File Launch”}
set myChoices3 to {“Single”, “Repeating”}
set salut to “New System Event:”
tell application fappl to set myResult to display better dialog ¬
salut fields {{kind:popup menu, name:"Event type: ", field menu items:myChoices2}, ¬
{kind:popup menu, name:“Occurrence:”, field menu items:myChoices3}} ¬
buttons {“OK”, “Cancel”}
set myname to “Eelco”

I haven’t tried running or compiling the script, but the author says

Maybe he is referring to the 24U Appearance OSAX.

Oh, that’s what that meant. Thanks for the link! Sometimes I can’t believe how dim I’ve become. -Rob