Script to mail my IP Address

I’m a AS newbie so bear with me. Here’s my scenario:

My hi-speed ISP at home keeps changing my (dynamic) IP address almost every day.
While I’m on the road, I need to log into a database on my home Mac.
Problem is, I need to know the current IP address of my home Mac in order to log in. I’d like to write a script that will enable me to:

  1. Send an e-mail from the road to the home Mac with the subject “send_ip_address”
  2. Set up a rule on the home Mac to run a script, replying to this message with the current IP address in the body text.

It doesn’t strike me as particularly complicated, but I can’t do it on my own.

Any help is much appreciated!

You’re right, it isn’t difficult. Here’s a basic script (culled by using the search feature for this BBS), I’m sure you can figure out how to set up the rule:

set ip_external to word -6 of (do shell script "curl")
tell application "Mail"
	set the_message to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:"My IP", content:ip_external}
	make new to recipient at end of to recipients of the_message with properties {name:"Your Name", address:""}
	set visible of the_message to true
	send the_message
end tell


Thanks Jon – worked like a charm!

Thanks for the script.

Minor update:

change set ip_external to word -6 to set ip_external to word -7 for 10.7.4 support.

working code.

set ip_external to word -7 of (do shell script "curl")

tell application "Mail"
	set the_message to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:"My IP", content:ip_external}
	make new to recipient at end of to recipients of the_message with properties {name:"Your Name", address:""}
	set visible of the_message to true
	send the_message
end tell