I’ve never done any scripting, or I would do this myself, but I’d like to be able to drag a selection of files to an icon, and have a new folder created, and those files moved (or copied… doesn’t matter really) to that new folder.
And it would be nice to have the folder be named one of the names of the files selected. If that’s to hard, then just a generic name will do.
I have about 100 files that I have to seperate, and this would help me a lot
any ideas where I can find something like this that will work on OS X?
This might be close to what you want. Save it as an application in Script Editor to turn it into a droplet.
on open files_
tell application "Finder"
set container_ to container of item 1 of files_
set name_ to name of item 1 of files_
if exists alias ((container_ as text) & name_ & " ƒ") then
set new_ to make new folder at container_
set new_ to make new folder at container_ with properties {name:name_ & " ƒ"}
end if
move files_ to new_
end tell
on error errMsg
display dialog errMsg
end try
end open