script to normalize volume level of multiple mp3s?

does anyone know of a script that will normalize the volume level of a group of mp3s, so that on similar types of songs that were ripped at diff sound levels, I don’t have to keep adjusting the playback volume slider?
I suppose I could write my own script if I knew where the volume level info was located in the mp3 file, so any help on that I’d appreciate!

tell application "iTunes 2.0.4"
	set track volume adjustment to 100  -- relative volume adjustment of the track (-100% to 100%)
end tell

and then have the songs in a playlist and loop through them

MP3 Rage will do this for you. It will analyze a folder of MP3’s, and then set the volume adjustment tag of the MP3 appropriately.

Keep in mind that the music itself is not touched. Certain MP3 players, especially DVD players and portable MP3 players don’t pay any attention to volume adjustment tags.