Here are two pieces of code extracted from a large script driving LibreOffice which has no AppleScript support.
property path2cliclick : "/Users/admin/bin/cliclick"
# trigger a row in an open dialog
tell application "System Events" to tell process "soffice"
set frontmost to true
tell window 1
# several instructions triggering several UI elements
set {xLeft, yTop} to position of row 2
set {itsWidth, itsHeight} to size of row 2
tell me to do shell script path2cliclick & " dc:" & xLeft + itsWidth div 2 & "," & yTop + itsHeight div 2
end tell # window 1
end tell
# click a checkbox in a print dialog
tell application "System Events" to tell process "LibreOffice"
set frontmost to true
tell window 1
# several instructions triggering several UI elements
tell checkbox 2
set {xLeft, yTop} to its position
set {itsWidth, itsHeight} to its size
end tell
tell me to do shell script path2cliclick & " c:" & xLeft + itsWidth div 2 & "," & yTop + itsHeight div 2
end tell # window 1
end tell
I don’t remember where I got these infos :
cliclick [-m ] [-f ] [-w ] [-r] command1 [command2] […]
-r Restore initial mouse location when finished
-m The mode can be either “verbose” (cliclick will print a
description of each action to stdout just before it is
performed) or “test” (cliclick will only print the
description, but not perform the action)
-f Instead of passing commands as arguments, you may instead
specify a file from which cliclick will read the commands.
Each line in the file is expected to contain a command
in the same format/syntax as commands given as arguments
at the shell. Additionally, lines starting with the hash
character # are regarded as comments, i.e.: ignored. Leading
and trailing whitespace is ignored, too.
-w Wait the given number of milliseconds after each event.
If you find that you use the “wait” command too often,
using -w could make things easier. Please note that “wait”
is not affected by -w. This means that invoking
“cliclick -w 200 wait:500” will wait for 700 milliseconds.
The default (and minimum) value for -w is 20.
-V Show cliclick version number and release date
-o Open version history in a browser
-d Send a donation
To use cliclick, you pass an arbitrary number of commands as arguments. A command consists of a command identifier (a string that tells cliclick what kind of action to perform) and usually one or more arguments to the command, which are separated from the command identifier with a colon. Example: “c:123,456” is the command for clicking (the “c” is the command identifier for clicking) at the position with x coordinate 123 and y coordinate 456. See below for a list of all commands and the arguments they expect.
Whenever a command expects a pair of coordinates, you may provide relative values by prefixing the number with “+” or “-”. For example, “m:+50,+0” will move the mouse 50 pixels to the right. Of course, relative and absolute values can be mixed, and negative values are possible, so “c:100,-20” would be perfectly valid. (If you need to specify absolute negative values in case you have a setup with a second display arranged to the left of your main display, prefix the number with “=”, for instance “c:100,=-200”.)
c:x,y Will CLICK at the point with the given coordinates.
Example: “c:12,34” will click at the point with x coordinate
12 and y coordinate 34. Instead of x and y values, you may
also use “.”, which means: the current position. Using “.” is
equivalent to using relative zero values “c:+0,+0”.
cp:str Will PRINT THE COLOR value at the given screen location.
The color value is printed as three decimal 8-bit values,
representing, in order, red, green, and blue.
Example: “cp:123,456” might print “127 63 0”
dc:x,y Will DOUBLE-CLICK at the point with the given coordinates.
Example: “dc:12,34” will double-click at the point with x
coordinate 12 and y coordinate 34. Instead of x and y values,
you may also use “.”, which means: the current position.
dd:x,y Will press down to START A DRAG at the given coordinates.
Example: “dd:12,34” will press down at the point with x
coordinate 12 and y coordinate 34. Instead of x and y values,
you may also use “.”, which means: the current position.
du:x,y Will release to END A DRAG at the given coordinates.
Example: “du:112,134” will release at the point with x
coordinate 112 and y coordinate 134.
kd:keys Will trigger a KEY DOWN event for a comma-separated list of
modifier keys. Possible keys are:
- alt
- cmd
- ctrl
- fn
- shift
Example: “kd:cmd,alt” will press the command key and the
option key (and will keep them down until you release them
with another command)
kp:key Will emulate PRESSING A KEY (key down + key up). Possible keys are:
- arrow-down
- arrow-left
- arrow-right
- arrow-up
- brightness-down
- brightness-up
- delete
- end
- enter
- esc
- f1
- f2
- f3
- f4
- f5
- f6
- f7
- f8
- f9
- f10
- f11
- f12
- f13
- f14
- f15
- f16
- fwd-delete
- home
- keys-light-down
- keys-light-toggle
- keys-light-up
- mute
- page-down
- page-up
- play-next
- play-pause
- play-previous
- return
- space
- tab
- volume-down
- volume-up
Example: “kp:return” will hit the return key.
ku:keys Will trigger a KEY UP event for a comma-separated list of
modifier keys. Possible keys are:
- alt
- cmd
- ctrl
- fn
- shift
Example: “ku:cmd,ctrl” will release the command key and the
control key (which will only have an effect if you performed
a “key down” before)
m:x,y Will MOVE the mouse to the point with the given coordinates.
Example: “m:12,34” will move the mouse to the point with
x coordinate 12 and y coordinate 34.
p[:str] Will PRINT the given string. If the string is “.”, the current
MOUSE POSITION is printed. As a convenience, you can skip the
string completely and just write “p” to get the current position.
Example: “p:.” or “p” will print the current mouse position
Example: “p:‘Hello world’” will print “Hello world”
tc:x,y Will TRIPLE-CLICK at the point with the given coordinates.
Example: “tc:12,34” will triple-click at the point with x
coordinate 12 and y coordinate 34. Instead of x and y values,
you may also use “.”, which means: the current position.
Note: If you find that this does not work in a target application,
please try if double-clicking plus single-clicking does.
t:text Will TYPE the given TEXT into the frontmost application.
If the text includes space(s), it must be enclosed in quotes.
Example: “type:Test” will type “Test”
Example: “type:‘Viele Grüße’” will type “Viele Grüße”
w:ms Will WAIT/PAUSE for the given number of milliseconds.
Example: “w:500” will pause command execution for half a second
Version 3.2, released 02/17/2016
Author: Carsten Blüm,
List of contributors:
Yvan KOENIG running Sierra 10.12.4 in French (VALLAURIS, France) dimanche 14 mai 2017 15:32:26