The following script opens two windows and places them just where I want them.
What must I add so that the first window selects the Applications folder and the second folder selects a subfolder called “myDesktop” in my “Documents” folder?
tell application “Finder”
set this_window to make new Finder window
set the bounds of this_window to {14, 92, 551, 386}
set the current view of this_window to column view
set this_window to make new Finder window
set the bounds of this_window to {14, 461, 551, 755}
end tell
I’ve been able to modify the first half of the script by looking over other scripts in this forum.
The second part reflects a new attempt, but does not work.
tell application “Finder”
–top window
open folder “Applications”
set bounds of window “Applications” to {14, 92, 551, 386}
set the current view of window “Applications” to column view
–bottom window
open folder “myDesktop” of folder “Documents” of home
set bounds of window “myDesktop” of folder “Documents” of home to {14, 461, 551, 755}
end tell
tell application "Finder"
tell (open container window of (path to applications folder)) to ¬
set {bounds, current view} to {{14, 92, 551, 386}, column view}
tell (open container window of (path to documents folder)) to ¬
set {bounds, current view} to {{14, 461, 551, 755}, column view}
end tell
The Finder dictionary suggests that you can specify properties in the open command, but in my tests that does not work (10.3.5).
set apps_folder to (path to “apps” from local domain)
set user_docs_folder to (path to “docs” from user domain)
tell application “Finder”
– select Applications folder
reveal apps_folder
delay 1
– select myDocs folder
reveal folder “myDocs” of user_docs_folder
end tell