I know you can do this much:
tell Finder preferences
set desktop shows hard disks to true
set desktop shows connected servers to true
set desktop shows external hard disks to true
the bigger question is where does one find a list of available variables you can use to not only set the General preferences for finder but the sidebar, etc., as well?
I have googled this for days and days – found nothing.
It’s all in the dictionary!
Open Library and double click Finder…
From there, you can enter some of your terms from above, and this should get you started.
Thank you. I appreciate the reply and the info.
I I see nothing for the side bar options – only setting the width. ? I am thinking I will just premake the preferences I need, copy the plist out to a folder. Cut an image with the modified plist and then have a login script that copies the moded plist on top of the user’s com.apple.finder.plist.
and ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.sidebarlists.plist…
reason for all this (in case someone is curious) - LOTS of macs to change. I have to re-image a large number. I figured I would just script all my presets to save me time in the future.