Script to set prefernce

I want to tell QuarkXPress when I open a existing document to set the prefernces to:
Knockout all
We have ArtWork Systems (Nexus) trapping software and when absolute is set in Quark as the default trapping, it creates
unwanted results on the final trapped file out od nexus.
Does anyone have a script when I open a Quark doc it will also open the Quank preferences at the same time.
Thanks in advance,

Here is a simple applescript to set your Quark trap settings to knockout all. I’m not sure about opening the preference pane, I’ll have to look into that. Simply save this as an applescript to your Quark app folder’s Script folder and try running it on an open document. It should do the trick for you.

tell application "QuarkXPress"
		-- This line will ensure that a document is open before proceding
		if not (exists document 1) then error "No document is open."
		tell document 1
			set trapping method to knockout all
		end tell
	end try
end tell