There are some web application which does not work in 64 bit Safari on Snow Leopard.
We are looking script to deploy for setting Safari to run in 32-bit mode.
Is it possible to do this via Apple Scrip/ shell script?
Karthikeyan M
There are some web application which does not work in 64 bit Safari on Snow Leopard.
We are looking script to deploy for setting Safari to run in 32-bit mode.
Is it possible to do this via Apple Scrip/ shell script?
Karthikeyan M
You can set Safari to always run in 32-bit mode by right-clicking the Safari app and choosing Get Info. The option will be there.
I am looking for a script(applescript,shell, bash) to run safari in 32bit and deploy for all clients via Caper.
Karthikeyan M
Did you figure out a script to do this? I would like to do something similar. Making the setting change on Safari only affects the user that is currently logged in. It doesn’t help when there are multiple users on the computer. Thank you…
I don’t know how to programmatically make that setting for everyone, but it seems to me that you could create a 32 bit-only version of safari using the command line tool lipo. I’ve never used it or tried it but it seems possible. Lipo’s man page has directions. Note: you have to work on the executable file within safari’s package contents.
lipo -info Safari → shows that it’s compiled for i386 (32 bit) and x86_64 (64 bit) architectures
So you could theoretically create a 32 bit only version with this…
lipo -thin i386 Safari -o Safari.32
That would create a new executable (Safari.32) with only the i386 architecture. Then you store the original some place and rename Safari.32 to just Safari.