Script to turn iCal into background

Ok, what I want is to have a script that activates when I quit iCal. If need be, I can just run it from the finder. Here is what I want the script to do. When I have iCal open, I use the month view. I want to take a picture of that and put it onto my screen as the background image. Then I want it to save and quit iCal.

If this is just too much for one script, please feel free to let me know. I may be just ____ing in the wind, for all I know. I have been scripting for several years.But I have not been scripting in OS X. None of my scripts seem to work in it. I am guessing that I am missing a basic premise somewhere in the difference between scripting OS 9 and OS X.

I am hoping to learn from this. My last few requests for help got me sent to find someone else’s script that already does what I need. That doesn’t help much. But as it happened, it was the most expiditious thing to do at the time. This time, I want to learn. So any tips or direction I can get on this script would be MORE than appreciated.

Thank you to anyone who feels like helping me transition.

This is a quick patchwork of some code snippets I’ve had lying around (it can surely be optimized):


[This script was automatically tagged for color coded syntax by Convert Script to Markup Code]

When I come to this line

tell process “iCal” to click menu item “Hide Info” of menu “Window” of menu bar item “Window” of menu bar 1

it highlights ‘menu item’ and says:

“Expected end of line but found class name.” Am I missing some osax, or does AS still use these? I don’t know. I have been out of it for a while and I think everything just took off without me.

Thanks for your help.
