Ok, I am fairly new at this and must say that I am quite proud of myself for this script
. Mainly because it will save me a lot of time and it took awhile for me to figure out. When I run this script on a folder full of files, it does what it should except it never does all of the files in the folder. The idea is to take my standard file name ā0121_102706_02_05.jpgā which consists of a 4 digit code that represents an artist name and a 6 digit code for the date. The script calls filemaker for the artist name based on the 4 digit code. Then creates a folder based on the artist name and a subfolder for the date. Does anybody know why it wonāt do all of the files? They are all jpeg files and all are consistently named. I need to apply this to a folder with 1000+ images. Also, if anybody happens to have any suggestions as to streamlining the script so it doesnāt have to check with filemaker for every file if the 4 digit code is the same I would be very appreciative. Thanks for the help.
set this_folder to choose folder
tell application "Finder"
set fileList to every file of this_folder
end tell
repeat with thisFile in fileList
set thisFilename to name of thisFile
set filecode to (characters 1 thru 4 of thisFilename)
set filedate to (characters 6 thru 11 of thisFilename)
set code1 to item 1 of filecode
set code2 to item 2 of filecode
set code3 to item 3 of filecode
set code4 to item 4 of filecode
set code6 to item 1 of filedate
set code7 to item 2 of filedate
set code8 to item 3 of filedate
set code9 to item 4 of filedate
set code10 to item 5 of filedate
set code11 to item 6 of filedate
set finalCode to {code1 & code2 & code3 & code4}
set finalDate to {code6 & code7 & code8 & code9 & code10 & code11}
tell application "FileMaker Pro"
open alias "Macintosh HD:Users:jayb:Documents:Filemaker Documents:artist_codes.fp7"
delete every request
end try
create request
set cell "Code Number" of request 1 to finalCode
set artName to field "Artist Name" of current record
end tell
set theFolder to alias "Masters_6TB:"
tell application "Finder"
make new folder at theFolder with properties {name:artName}
on error -->folder exists
set dateFolder to finalDate as string
make new folder in folder artName in theFolder with properties {name:dateFolder} -->creates dated subfolder
end try
set fileVar to thisFile as string
move fileVar to folder dateFolder in folder artName in theFolder -->moves file into dated subfolder
end try
end try
end tell
end repeat
You might consider these faster ways of getting your codes:
set N to "0121_102706_02_05.jpg"
set filecode to text 1 thru 4 of N --> "0121"
set filedate to text 6 thru 11 of N --> "102706"
-- To make the subfolders sort in date order in the Finder
tell N to set dateOrder to text 10 thru 11 & text 6 thru 9
--> "061027"
That is certainly a more concise way to get the code
. Thanks. I still donāt understand why it wonāt do all the files in a folder.
I canāt help you with FM, but your try blocks donāt warn you if they donāt complete. You might try:
delete every request
on error e
display dialog e
end try
At least during debugging, do that for every try. Something is failing and we need to know what.
Not bad for a first script. 
Iām afraid I canāt help with FMP either. However, the ātryā block in the Finder section at the bottom of your script is arranged in such a way that, if the script successfully makes a new folder for the artist, no date folder is created for the file being handled at the time and the file isnāt moved. Iād guess you want the code to look something like this:
set this_folder to choose folder
tell application "Finder"
set fileList to every file of this_folder
end tell
repeat with thisFile in fileList
set thisFilename to name of thisFile
set finalCode to text 1 thru 4 of thisFilename
set finalDate to text 6 thru 11 of thisFilename
tell application "FileMaker Pro"
open alias "Macintosh HD:Users:jayb:Documents:Filemaker Documents:artist_codes.fp7"
delete every request
end try
create request
set cell "Code Number" of request 1 to finalCode
set artName to field "Artist Name" of current record
end tell
set theFolder to alias "Masters_6TB:"
tell application "Finder"
make new folder at theFolder with properties {name:artName}
end try
make new folder in folder artName in theFolder with properties {name:finalDate} -->creates dated subfolder
end try
move thisFile to folder dateFolder in folder artName in theFolder -->moves file into dated subfolder
end try
end tell
end repeat
Wow, you guys are good! Thanks for the help. It now copies everything over. One last thingā¦How would I go about holding the 4 digit filecode on the clipboard or in a variable so that the next file is checked against the previous file, if it is equal then proceed to the filing and folder creation but if it is not equal then look up the code in FMP? Any help would be great.
set this_folder to choose folder
tell application "Finder"
set fileList to every file of this_folder
end tell
repeat with thisFile in fileList
set thisFilename to name of thisFile
set filecode to text 1 thru 4 of thisFilename
set filedate to text 6 thru 11 of thisFilename
tell application "FileMaker Pro" -->get filecode from FMP
open alias "Macintosh HD:Users:jayb:Documents:Filemaker Documents:artist_codes.fp7"
delete every request
on error e
display dialog e
end try
create request
set cell "Code Number" of request 1 to filecode
set artName to field "Artist Name" of current record
end tell
set theFolder to alias "Masters_6TB:test:" -->start filing and folder creation
tell application "Finder"
make new folder at theFolder with properties {name:artName}
end try
set dateFolder to filedate as string
make new folder in folder artName in theFolder with properties {name:dateFolder} -->creates dated subfolder
end try
set fileVar to thisFile as string
move fileVar to folder dateFolder in folder artName in theFolder -->moves file into dated subfolder
end try
end tell
end repeat
Like this, perhaps:
set saveCode to {} -- a placeholder.
repeat with thisFile in fileList
set thisFilename to name of thisFile
set finalCode to text 1 thru 4 of thisFilename
set end of saveCode to finalCode
set finalDate to text 6 thru 11 of thisFilename
-- Suppose saveCode looks like {0121, "Jones", 0212, "Smith", etc. }
-- and before create request for a new file:
if filecode is in saveCode then -- find Artist
repeat with k from 1 to count saveCode
if item k of saveCode is filecode then
set ArtName to item (k + 1) of saveCode
exit repeat -- found it, don't keep looking
end if
end repeat
else -- the rest commented out because I don't have FM
(*create request
set cell "Code Number" to request 1 of filecode
set artName to field "Artist Name" of current record
set end of saveCode to artName -- save that right after the code
end if
-- and so on
end repeat
I think there are a couple of bugs in Adamās code, but the ideaās good. Hereās a complete (and hopefully working!) version of the entire script:
set this_folder to choose folder
set theFolder to alias "Masters_6TB:"
tell application "Finder"
set fileList to every file of this_folder
end tell
set matchedCodes to {}
repeat with thisFile in fileList
set thisFilename to name of thisFile
set filecode to text 1 thru 4 of thisFilename
set filedate to text 6 thru 11 of thisFilename
if (filecode is in matchedCodes) then
-- If this file code has appeared earlier in the run, search the odd-numbered items of matchedCodes for it.
set i to 1
repeat until (item i of matchedCodes is filecode)
set i to i + 2
end repeat
-- Read the artist name from the following, even-numbered item.
set ArtName to item (i + 1) of matchedCodes
-- Otherwise, get the artist name from FMP.
tell application "FileMaker Pro"
open alias "Macintosh HD:Users:jayb:Documents:Filemaker Documents:artist_codes.fp7"
delete every request
end try
create request
set cell "Code Number" of request 1 to fileCode
set artName to field "Artist Name" of current record
end tell
-- Update the list of matched codes and artist names.
set end of matchedCodes to filecode
set end of matchedCodes to ArtName
-- Try making a folder for this new artist.
tell application "Finder"
make new folder at theFolder with properties {name:ArtName}
end try
end tell
end if
tell application "Finder"
make new folder in folder ArtName in theFolder with properties {name:filedate} -->creates dated subfolder
end try
move thisFile to folder filedate in folder ArtName in theFolder -->moves file into dated subfolder
end try
end tell
end repeat
Pardon the bugs, gentlemen - it was very late when I had a quick look at the thread before heading for the sack. :rolleyes:
Do you have FM, Nigel? If not, how do you get the nicely compiled post?
so do chime in here with a little FM hint
if you have a table of with artist and related artist code you could just go to FM once get the two fields as arrays and the compare the code in the file name to the elements of the artist code then youāll know element the artist naem is and you can xtract that fot make the folder
I think that would make your Applescript code easier to manage
if that doensāt make sense let me know and Iāll throw together and example
ok well here is a starting point
tell application "FileMaker Pro Advanced"
tell window "artcode"
set ArtName to field "ArtistName" -- returns an array of artist names
set ArtCode to field "ArtistCode" -- returns and array of artist codes
end tell
end tell
set this_folder to choose folder
-set theFolder to alias "Masters_6TB:"
tell application "Finder"
set fileList to every file of this_folder
end tell
repeat with thisFile in fileList
set thisFilename to name of thisFile
set ArtistCode to text 1 thru 2 of thisFilename --- or whatever the extraction is suppose to be
set finalCode to text 1 thru 4 of thisFilename
set finalDate to text 6 thru 11 of thisFilename
repeat with i from 1 to count of itmes in ArtCode
if ArtistCode is equal to item i of ArtCode then
set ArtistNname to item i of ArtName
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
-- carry on
end repeat
Ah. Well. Having only a dial-up connection, I compose most of my messages while off-line (apart from some of the ones that are obviously appallingly phrased or have been edited several times). For this, I save the threads that interest me to disk before disconnecting. I compose my replies in TextEdit, using a certain script to copy any text from Script Editor into them along with the necessary
tags. I then past the completed messages into Stickies notelets, which are conveniently small, and paste from these into the BBS's reply windows when back on line.
I don't have FileMaker, but once I'd pasted the text of Paul's original script into Script Editor, I only had to comment out the FileMaker 'tell' block and the alias, after which I was able to compile the rest and fool around with it. After copying the modified script into my TextEdit reply, I uncommented the 'tell' block and the alias in TextEdit itself and restored the tab indents, giving the impression that those parts of script had been compiled too. :)
You guys are great!!!
I still need to dissect and figure out exactly what you did Nigel. You did have a bug, you didnāt define dateFolder and had a try statement on the move section. So it did not actually copy the files because datefolder wasnāt defined. But seems to work great now. I think you guys saved me about 100 hairs on my head!!! 
Bugs are the inevitable result of not being able to test if you donāt own the scripted applications.:rolleyes:
were you able to use the FM hint I through out there for you ā¦ does it aleast make sense ?
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Thanks for the tip. I think that it makes sense. I have yet to digest all the tips. I am still rather new at this so I need to sit and stew(marinate if you will) a little bit on this. What would it accomplish differently from what I had?
you would only eveer have to call filemaker once at the begining of the script without have to put any logic around it you just open the database show all the records and extract the records from a field into arrays 
Many apologies. There were a few changes of variable name further up-thread and I managed to confuse myself. Iām glad you were able to sort it out. Iāve now corrected it above myself for posterity.