I didn’t know if anyone knew what was changed between snow leopard and leopard. I had an applescript that upload a file to my server with metadata and then processed it with sql it now doesn’t says it passes the metadata and then fails but it seems to be going a lot faster threw the metadata. Not sure if that’s actually working and just snow leopard process it faster or if that’s failing as well. This is my code. Thanks for any help you can offer.
Sorry lost got a little malformed on copy/paste attempted to fix but indentations won’t stay.
on open (thefiles)
do shell script "logger Started Link up FLV script"
repeat with fileAlias in thefiles
set posixPath to quoted form of POSIX path of fileAlias
set text item delimiters to ":"
set theFilename to last text item of (fileAlias as text)
on error
set text item delimiters to ""
end try
set text item delimiters to ""
do shell script "logger Working on file " & fileAlias as text
-- use quoted form of string
set flvtool2Cmd to "/bin/bash -c \"flvtool2 -U " & posixPath & "\""
with timeout of 7200 seconds
do shell script flvtool2Cmd
display dialog "Metadata written for " & theFilename giving up after 1 with icon note
do shell script "logger Metadata written for " & theFilename
end timeout
with timeout of 7200 seconds
set ftpCmd to "/usr/bin/curl "
set ftpCmd to ftpCmd & "-u USERNAME:PASSWORD "
set ftpCmd to ftpCmd & "-T " & posixPath & " "
set ftpCmd to ftpCmd & "ftp://DOMAIN.com/FINALDIRECTORY/"
do shell script ftpCmd do shell script "logger " & theFilename & " uploaded"
end timeout do shell script "cURL [url=http://www.DOMAIN.com/php/SQL_TRIGGER.php?]http://www.DOMAIN.com/php/SQL_TRIGGER.php?"[/url] & theFilename
do shell script "logger " & theFilename & " uploaded and chapters passed"
display dialog "The file" & theFilename & " uploaded and passed the chapters over successfully."
end repeat
end open
Model: 10.5.8 and 10.6.2 powerbooks, G5 tower
AppleScript: 2.2.1 on the 10.5.8, not sure on snow leopard
Browser: Firefox 3.5.5
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.6)