Script written in Leopard generates error on Tiger Machines

Ok, a little background about this script. I AM NOT a professional programmer or scripter. I am a designer who does applescript as a hobby/personal interest. The place where I work wanted an easy way to deliver PDF proofs for our clients to view in a web interface without requiring the customer to log in (php/MYSql). So I wrote this script that allows that. It takes the frontmost indesign doc, makes a pdf of it, reformats a template html and php file, and uploads the folder to our web server. Then it sends a notification to the customer. It also records data in a file that can be accessed later if the file is sent as a revision. This way you don’t have to type things twice. This script works fine on my Leopard machine but fails when it tries to create the data file on the desktop in Tiger. It says “Can’t make “desktop” into type constant.” Anybody have any ideas about how to solve this? I have marked the part of the script where it fails.

tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
	if (count documents) = 0 then -- no InDesign documents open
		display dialog "There is no active InDesign document. You must have an InDesign document open to run this script." buttons " OK " default button 1 with icon caution
	else if (count documents) is greater than 1 then -- more than one InDesign document open
		display dialog "You must have only one InDesign document open to run this script." buttons " OK " default button 1 with icon caution
	else --> continue with the script if document requirements are met
		tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3" -- make the current InDesign document into a PDF and save it to the desktop
			set myPDFPresetName to "[Smallest File Size]" -- this can be whichever PDF preset you want to use
			set myPDFName to "ad_proof_th.pdf"
			set frontDoc to name of front document
			set myPDF to ((path to desktop) & myPDFName) as string
			save front document
			tell front document
				export format "Adobe PDF" to myPDF using myPDFPresetName without showing options
				close frontDoc
			end tell
		end tell
		--> begin core script <--
		tell application "Finder"
			display dialog "Is this a first proof or a revision?" buttons {"Revision", "First Proof"} default button 2
		end tell
		--> button clicked is "Revision"
		if button returned of result is "Revision" then
			tell application "Finder"
				display dialog "Enter the job jacket number for the proof you want to revise." default answer "" buttons {"Cancel", "Continue"} default button 2
				set jobJacketNumber to text returned of result
			end tell
			tell application "Finder"
				if exists (folder jobJacketNumber of folder "active" of disk "proofs") then
					tell application "Finder"
						set theFolder to (folder jobJacketNumber of folder "active" of disk "proofs")
						set pathToMe to ((container of theFolder as Unicode text) & jobJacketNumber & ":WPDATA.dat")
					end tell
					set myList to (read file pathToMe using delimiter "+")
					set myParsedList to myList as list
					set repEmail to item 1 of myParsedList
					set theAddress to item 2 of myParsedList
					set bizName to item 3 of myParsedList
					tell application "Finder"
						set revisedPDF to document file "ad_proof_th.pdf" --revised pdf file sitting on the desktop
						move revisedPDF to folder jobJacketNumber of folder "active" of disk "proofs" with replacing -- move it to its new home and replace the old pdf
						move revisedPDF to trash --and then trash it so it doesn't sit on the desktop
					end tell
					set webAddress to {"" & jobJacketNumber & "/"} as string
					set noticeMessage to ({"Dear " & bizName & ","} as string) & return & return & "Your ad proof has been revised. To view your revised proof, click on the link below:" & return & return & webAddress & return & return & "This e-mail was generated by an automated process. Please do not reply to it."
					-- the message subject
					set theSubject to "Your Times-Herald Ad Proof Has Been Revised"
					-- the body of the message
					set theBody to noticeMessage
					set theSender to "WebProof<>"
					tell application "Mail"
						set newMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:theSubject, content:theBody & return & return}
						tell newMessage
							set visible to true
							set sender to theSender
							make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {address:theAddress}
							-- Bring the new compose window to the foreground, in all its glory
							send newMessage
							delay 1
							--this generates an email to the ad rep letting them know their proof has been sent
							set repNotifyAddress to repEmail
							set repNotifySubject to ({"A REVISED proof has been sent to "} & bizName) as string
							set repNotifyBody to (({"The Customer: " & bizName} as string) & "     Job Jacket Number: " & jobJacketNumber) as string
							tell application "Mail"
								set newRepNotifyMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:repNotifySubject, content:repNotifyBody & return & return}
								tell newRepNotifyMessage
									set visible to true
									set sender to theSender
									make new recipient at end of to recipients with properties {address:repEmail}
									send newRepNotifyMessage
								end tell
							end tell
						end tell
					end tell
				else if (exists folder jobJacketNumber of folder "active" of disk "proofs") = false then --> job jacket number failed
					tell application "Finder"
						display dialog "Sorry, but the job jacket number you entered does not exist in the proofing system." buttons "OK" default button 1 with icon caution
						move document file "ad_proof_th.pdf" to trash
					end tell
				end if --> job jacket check
			end tell --> job jacket check
			--> button clicked is "First Proof"
		else if button returned of result is "First Proof" then
			tell application "Finder"
				display dialog "What is the job jacket number?" default answer ""
				set jobJacketNumber to text returned of the result
			end tell
			tell application "Finder"
				if (exists folder jobJacketNumber of folder "active" of disk "proofs") = false then --> job jacket check
					set listOfReps to {"Candy Johnson", "Doug Cantrell", "Rosemary Reid", "Christine Swentor", "Stefanie Dowda", "Jeanette Kirby", "Lamar Truitt"}
					tell application "Finder"
						set adRep to item 1 of (choose from list listOfReps with prompt "Which ad rep is this for?")
					end tell
					if (text of adRep = "Lamar Truitt") then
						set repEmail to ""
						if (text of adRep = "Jeanette Kirby") then
							set repEmail to ""
							if (text of adRep = "Stefanie Dowda") then
								set repEmail to ""
								if (text of adRep = "Christine Swentor") then
									set repEmail to ""
									if (text of adRep = "Rosemary Reid") then
										set repEmail to ""
										if (text of adRep = "Doug Cantrell") then
											set repEmail to ""
											if (text of adRep = "Candy Johnson") then
												set repEmail to ""
											end if
										end if
									end if
								end if
							end if
						end if
					end if
					if (text of adRep = "Lamar Truitt") then
						set repCell to "404-788-3259"
						if (text of adRep = "Jeanette Kirby") then
							set repCell to "N/A"
							if (text of adRep = "Stefanie Dowda") then
								set repCell to "404-788-3246"
								if (text of adRep = "Christine Swentor") then
									set repCell to "404-788-3242"
									if (text of adRep = "Rosemary Reid") then
										set repCell to "404-788-3263"
										if (text of adRep = "Doug Cantrell") then
											set repCell to "404-788-3235"
											if (text of adRep = "Candy Johnson") then
												set repCell to "404-788-3258"
											end if
										end if
									end if
								end if
							end if
						end if
					end if
						tell application "Finder"
							set theResult to display dialog "What is the customer's email address?" default answer ""
							set theAddress to text returned of theResult
						end tell
						if theAddress does not contain "@" then
							tell application "Finder"
								display dialog {"You have entered an invalid email address."} buttons "Try Again" default button 1 with icon caution
							end tell
						else if theAddress contains "@" then
							exit repeat
						end if
					end repeat
					tell application "Finder"
						duplicate folder "-nth" of folder "WebProof Source" of disk "Server 1 HD1" to desktop
						move file "ad_proof_th.pdf" to folder "-nth"
					end tell
					tell application "Finder"
						display dialog "What is the name of the customer's business?" default answer ""
						set bizName to text returned of the result
					end tell
					-->  create and write WPDATA.dat
					set thePath to ((path to desktop) as Unicode text) & "WPDATA.dat"   (**************** THE SCRIPT FAILS HERE *******************)
					set fRef to (open for access file thePath with write permission)
						write repEmail & "+" & theAddress & "+" & bizName to fRef
					end try
					close access fRef
					tell application "Finder"
						set name of folder "-nth" to jobJacketNumber
						move file "WPDATA.dat" to folder jobJacketNumber
					end tell
					tell application "Finder"
						set myIndexFile to document file "index.html" of folder jobJacketNumber
						set myPHPFile to document file "contact.php" of folder jobJacketNumber
					end tell
					tell application "TextWrangler"
						open myIndexFile
						open myPHPFile
						replace "bizName" using bizName saving yes searching in {every text document} options {search mode:literal, case sensitive:false, match words:true, extend selection:false, showing results:false}
						replace "jobJacketNumber" using jobJacketNumber saving yes searching in {every text document} options {search mode:literal, case sensitive:false, match words:true, extend selection:false, showing results:false}
						replace "adRep" using adRep saving yes searching in {every text document} options {search mode:literal, case sensitive:false, match words:true, extend selection:false, showing results:false}
						replace "repEmail" using repEmail saving yes searching in {every text document} options {search mode:literal, case sensitive:false, match words:true, extend selection:false, showing results:false}
						replace "repCell" using repCell saving yes searching in {every text document} options {search mode:literal, case sensitive:false, match words:true, extend selection:false, showing results:false}
						replace "theAddress" using theAddress saving yes searching in {every text document} options {search mode:literal, case sensitive:false, match words:true, extend selection:false, showing results:false}
						save {text document "index.html"}
						save {text document "contact.php"}
						close {text document "index.html"}
						close {text document "contact.php"}
					end tell
					tell application "Finder"
						move folder jobJacketNumber to folder "active" of disk "proofs"
						move folder jobJacketNumber to trash
					end tell
					-- an email message to the client
					set webAddress to {"" & jobJacketNumber & "/"} as string
					set noticeMessage to ({"Dear " & bizName & ","} as string) & return & return & "Your ad is now available for viewing. To view your proof, click on the link below:" & return & return & webAddress & return & return & "This e-mail was generated by an automated process. Please do not reply to it."
					-- the message subject
					set theSubject to "Your Times-Herald Ad Proof Is Now Available"
					-- the body of the message
					set theBody to noticeMessage
					set theSender to "WebProof<>"
					tell application "Mail"
						set newMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:theSubject, content:theBody & return & return}
						tell newMessage
							set visible to true
							set sender to theSender
							make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {address:theAddress}
							-- Bring the new compose window to the foreground, in all its glory
							send newMessage
							delay 1
							--and now, one for the ad reps
							set repNotifyAddress to repEmail
							set repNotifySubject to ({"A proof has been sent to "} & bizName) as string
							set repNotifyBody to (({"The Customer: " & bizName} as string) & "     Job Jacket Number: " & jobJacketNumber) as string
							tell application "Mail"
								set newRepNotifyMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:repNotifySubject, content:repNotifyBody & return & return}
								tell newRepNotifyMessage
									set visible to true
									set sender to theSender
									make new recipient at end of to recipients with properties {address:repEmail}
									send newRepNotifyMessage
									tell application "Finder"
										display dialog "All Done." buttons ["OK"] default button 1
									end tell
								end tell
							end tell
						end tell
					end tell --> mail
				else if (exists folder jobJacketNumber of folder "active" of disk "proofs") = true then
					tell application "Finder"
						display dialog "The job jacket number you entered already exists in the proofing system." buttons "OK" default button 1 with icon caution
						move document file "ad_proof_th.pdf" to trash
					end tell
				end if --> job jacket check
			end tell --> tell block for job jacket check
			--> end core script <--
		end if --> first proof or revision
	end if --> count documents
end tell

Model: Power Mac G5
Browser: Safari 419.3
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)


path to has an own enumeration to coerce the result, just omit the parentheses

set thePath to (path to desktop as Unicode text) & "WPDATA.dat"

btw: you can replace your incredible if - else - end construction

 if (exists folder jobJacketNumber of folder "active" of disk "proofs") = false then --> job jacket check
                   set listOfReps to {"Candy Johnson", "Doug Cantrell", "Rosemary Reid", "Christine Swentor", "Stefanie Dowda", "Jeanette Kirby", "Lamar Truitt"}
                   tell application "Finder"
                       set adRep to item 1 of (choose from list listOfReps with prompt "Which ad rep is this for?")
                   end tell
                   if (text of adRep = "Lamar Truitt") then
                       set repEmail to ""
                       if (text of adRep = "Jeanette Kirby") then
                           set repEmail to ""
                           if (text of adRep = "Stefanie Dowda") then
                               set repEmail to ""
                               if (text of adRep = "Christine Swentor") then
                                   set repEmail to ""
                                   if (text of adRep = "Rosemary Reid") then
                                       set repEmail to ""
                                       if (text of adRep = "Doug Cantrell") then
                                           set repEmail to ""
                                           if (text of adRep = "Candy Johnson") then
                                               set repEmail to ""
                                           end if
                                       end if
                                   end if
                               end if
                           end if
                       end if
                   end if
                   if (text of adRep = "Lamar Truitt") then
                       set repCell to "404-788-3259"
                       if (text of adRep = "Jeanette Kirby") then
                           set repCell to "N/A"
                           if (text of adRep = "Stefanie Dowda") then
                               set repCell to "404-788-3246"
                               if (text of adRep = "Christine Swentor") then
                                   set repCell to "404-788-3242"
                                   if (text of adRep = "Rosemary Reid") then
                                       set repCell to "404-788-3263"
                                       if (text of adRep = "Doug Cantrell") then
                                           set repCell to "404-788-3235"
                                           if (text of adRep = "Candy Johnson") then
                                               set repCell to "404-788-3258"
                                           end if
                                       end if
                                   end if
                               end if
                           end if
                       end if
                   end if

with a shorter (and faster) version

if (exists folder jobJacketNumber of folder "active" of disk "proofs") = false then --> job jacket check
        set listOfReps to {"Candy Johnson", "Doug Cantrell", "Rosemary Reid", "Christine Swentor", "Stefanie Dowda", "Jeanette Kirby", "Lamar Truitt"}
        set listOfRepEmail to {"", "", "", "", "", "", ""}
        set listOfRepCell to {"404-788-3258", "404-788-3235", "404-788-3263", "404-788-3242", "404-788-3246", "N/A", "404-788-3259"}
        tell application "Finder"
            choose from list listOfReps with prompt "Which ad rep is this for?"
            tell result
                if it is false then return
                set adRep to item 1 of it
            end tell
        end tell
        repeat with i from 1 to count listOfReps
            if adRep is item i of listOfReps then exit repeat
        end repeat
        set repEmail to item i of listOfRepEmail
        set repCell to item i of listOfRepCell
    end if


Thank you so much! I am no pro at this, so thank you for your wonderful advice. It works now. But I have discovered a new problem. It appears when it writes the data to the file ‘wpdata.dat’ it is putting double space in between the characters although it doesn’t appear that way. You can only detect it by arrowing between the letters. It takes two clicks to advance the cursor one time. This causes the Mail app to reject the syntax of the email address. How can I stop this when I write info to a data file? Again, this is not a problem in Leopard.

Maybe it is a text encoding problem, because the text basis has been changed in Leopard

try to force the script to write the text in MacRoman

write repEmail & "+" & theAddress & "+" & bizName to fRef as string


Thanks a million!!! The problem is the data wasn’t being written as a string.