hello, I’m more than a novice in applescript. I would like to have a alert window on certain date (at start up) ex: every 10th and 20th of the month. is that possible with applescript ( I guess so!) and how?
thanks a lot for your help
It’s absolutely possible. Standard Additions has everything you need:
on run
set theDay to day of (current date) as text
if theDay is equal to "10" then
display dialog theDay
else if theDay is equal to "20" then
display dialog theDay
end if
end run
Just compile the script and drop it into your Startup Items folder. It’ll run at startup,
and run its date check. Just replace “display dialog theDay” with whatever dialog
you wish to display.
mikey-san@bungie.org wrote:
: It’s absolutely possible. Standard Additions has everything
: you need:
: on run
: set theDay to day of (current date) as text
: if theDay is equal to “10” then
: display dialog theDay
: else if theDay is equal to “20” then
: display dialog theDay
: end if
: end run
This can be simplified a bit, as you don’t actually need the integer-to-string coercion (you don’t need to explicitly declare the run handler either):
set theDay to day of (current date)
if theDay is equal to 10 then
display dialog "They're Everywhere!"
else if theDay is equal to 20 then
display dialog "Thank God It's You!"
end if
If the message is the same every time, you can simplify it even further:
set theDay to day of (current date)
if theDay is in {10, 20} then
display dialog "Frog Blast The Vent Core!"
end if
: hello, I’m more than a novice in applescript. I would like to
: have a alert window on certain date (at start up) ex: every
: 10th and 20th of the month. is that possible with applescript
: ( I guess so!) and how?
: thanks a lot for your help
: blandine
If you don’t startup either on 10th or on 20th, you won’t able to see the alerts. This one will show the related alerts even you startup later, and it won’t show the alert for a day again, if you startup more than once on that day. It also has a snooze function, untill you select “Dismiss”, it will continue to alert you. Script should be in your Startup Items folder and shouldn’t be locked.
property aDID : {0, 0}
property aDAY : {"10", "20"}
property aTXT : {"Reminder message for day 10", "Reminder message for day 20"}
with timeout of 3600 seconds
set cDay to day of (current date) as text
repeat with x from 1 to count of items in aDAY
if cDay is not less than (item x of aDAY) then
if item x of aDID is equal to 0 then
set DTEXT to ("[ Reminder ] " & return & return & ¬
item x of aDAY as text) & " ? " & item x of aTXT
set answer to display dialog ¬
DTEXT buttons ¬
{"Snooze", "Dismiss"} with icon note
if button returned of answer is "Dismiss" then
set item x of aDID to 1
end if
end if
if (item x of aDID) is equal to 1 then
set (item x of aDID) to 0
end if
end if
end repeat
end timeout
The great Hamish Sanderson?
Wow. There’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time.
thanks to all of you. it’s working and it’s exactely what I was looking for.
Depending on whether you wish to know the time the computer has idled, or whether you wish to schedule a script at times of day or following certain events or repeatedly try:
Acron http://wrcu.coLgate.edu/sean/Acron/index.html
Akua Sweets http://osaxen.com/index.php3?id=akua_sweets
Cron http://gargravarr.cc.utexas.edu/cron/index.html
Cruise Control http://www.walnutsys.com/
DaemonCron Lite 1.5 http://homepage.mac.com/dcoshel/daemon.html
idle time osax http://osaxen.com/index.php3?id=idle_time
idle time extension http://www.dijas.com/ely-old/files-scripting.html
iDo Script Scheduler http://www.sophisticated.com/software/
Keyquencer http://www.binarysoft.com/kqmac/kqmac.html
MacAT http://gimr.garvan.unsw.edu.au/gerham/macsos/macat/index.html
PowerTask http://www.compsoftspec.com/powertask.html
QuicKeys http://www.quickeys.com/
Scheduler http://hotyellow98.com/jvarela/
Script Scheduler http://www.wmotion.com/products.html
Script Timer http://www.theboss.net/appsmore/
Sleep Commands http://home.earthlink.net/~eagrant/
T-Minus Ten http://home.austin.rr.com/mk/tmt/tmt.html
You may already own iDo, as it came free with OS8 thru 8.6, I think.
: has?
: The great Hamish Sanderson?
: Wow. There’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time.
: -/-
: Mikey-San
: mikey-san@bungie.org
Shhhhh. Don’t tell.