Scripting a

I hope this is what you are looking for:

tell application "Tex-Edit Plus"
	repeat with fileCount from 1 to 3
		set firstPart to "G4 HD:Desktop Folder:file #"
		set theFile to (firstPart & (fileCount as text))
		save window 1 in file theFile as string
	end repeat
end tell



This should point you in the right direction:

set srceFldr to (choose folder with prompt "Select the input folder:")
set destFldr to (choose folder with prompt "Select the destination folder:") as text
tell application "Finder"
		set fileList to (files of srceFldr whose file type is "TEXT") as alias list
	on error
		set fileList to (files of srceFldr whose file type is "TEXT") as alias as list
	end try
end tell
repeat with aFile in fileList
	set theFile to contents of aFile
	set theName to name of (info for theFile)
	tell application "Tex-Edit Plus"
		open theFile
		make new window at beginning
		set contents of window 1 to contents of window 2
		close window 2 saving no
		replace window 1 looking for "a" replacing with "b" --<I> do whatever to the text</I> 
		save window 1 in file (destFldr & theName)
		close window 1 saving no
	end tell
end repeat
tell application "Tex-Edit Plus"
	set wCnt to (count windows)
	if (wCnt is 0) then quit
end tell

Well guys-- With bits and pieces from both posts, I think I got to where I need to be. After I get the bugs worked out I will let you guys know. After I put it all together I thought about a few more things that this script will have to handle, so I may be back with more questions. I now have to figure out how to script the new Photoshop 7! Lots of fun. Take care and thanks again for the help!!